Who here owns a Renaultsport?

He owns a 182FF.

Yep :)

Think I forgot to post these.




Will be more pics later with the milltek...
The most I've seen from my 182 is 42.9MPG through 50mph road works after having just reset the trip. If you average in getting to and from the motorway destinations It's usually mid to high 30's if driving around or sub 70mph.
So here are the re-map results. I couldn't be more happier with the milltek, makes the sound I've been after. Thick, fat and bold :D

Anyway, here's what you all want to see.




Real close up here - http://twitpic.com/5g9q6w/full

The car is absolutely transformed. So much more responsive and noticeably quicker. Couldn't recommend it more, I feel like I've gone to a quick car to a very quick car :D
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They didn't do a direct before. They did one before re-map with the new exhaust on and one with the miltek and remap. Yep, those are the figures. I saw the car on the rolls so it's not as they're lying! Seemed a lot to me as well.
Honestly, I feel like I'm in an F1 car now :D Gonna have to drive everywhere with my window down so I can hear that gorgeous noise too :p

I'll clean the car tomorrow and take some new pics for you all.
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191bhp and 200bhp after?

9bhp increase with a re-map? Sorry to doubt it but I'm not convinced.

They didn't do a direct before. They did one before re-map with the new exhaust on and one with the miltek and remap. Yep, those are the figures. I saw the car on the rolls so it's not as they're lying! Seemed a lot to me as well.

I had an 8bhp increase with my remap & milltek but I'd bet my left testicle that those rollers are reading high.

Matched inlets, ITB's or the JMS manifold might get you near or above those figures.
Honestly, I feel like I'm in an F1 car now :D Gonna have to drive everywhere with my window down so I can hear that gorgeous noise too :p

I'll clean the car tomorrow and take some new pics for you all.

Welcome to my world.

Always driving down between buildings letting it coast in gear just to hear it burble! :)

I had an 8bhp increase with my remap & milltek but I'd bet my left testicle that those rollers are reading high.

Matched inlets, ITB's or the JMS manifold might get you near or above those figures.

Yep, no way is it anywhere near 200bhp. 180~ is more plausible.
200bhp from a remap and an exhaust! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Thats ~25bhp up from stock!

Did they do a coast down to calculate transmission loss? Or a percentage?
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Won't bother sharing next time if you're just going to mock me :mad:

Rollers aren't always reliable and different rollers will vary, as will other factors such as air temperature, flow etc.

No doubt, as mines remapped too, there is a big difference but whether you actually have 200bhp I highly doubt it. A 8/9bhp increase? perhaps but it's probably nearer to 5-7bhp, all that matters is you're happy with the difference which you are. So why does numbers matter?

Mine only made 170bhp after the remap but I didn't give a toss as it was transformed regardless. The tech said his car will give readouts varying by up to 25bhp depending on the day, air temperature etc.
Its not a mock at you, its a lol at AmD. 200bhp from a 182 is a full ITB and cams job, if not more.

There are 2 other Clios on here with remaps and custom exhausts, and they ran 177ish. The figures on those readouts have beenn inflated by AmD.

The fact the drive is improved is the point. But a piece of advice, dont post those pics on CS.
Oh I'm not denying that. I'm confident that it has made an 8bhp gain though. I'm so much happier with the way it drives so not that concerned about the actual figure :)

Why not post pics on Cliosport? I'm ready for haters.
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Did you not see the thread about the guy selling his 172 on eBay with a remap, exhaust and air filter that he claimed made 210bhp? They actually got to the stage of emailing him abuse.

The proportion of idiots to normal people on CS is massively squewed in the idiot direction.
Meh, people can think what they want :) I'm not claiming it to be 200BHP. I'm just showing them what I've been told! Nay bother! Thanks for the heads up anyway
Rolling roads are never going to be accurate. Fact is that it has increased by 9BHP from xBHP to yBHP. Who cares what x and y are, fact is y is nine better than x! That aswell as the better curve (mainly at 5250PRM).
I'd love to believe those figures, I really would, but I'm sorry - they can't be accurate.

However, I will agree that the car is totally different. The remap really smooths out the power delivery and makes you feel like you're going a lot faster, and the Militek adds a great noise. Nobody's hating mate, we're just hoping that you're not believing the figures! I doubt even the Clio 200 would actually be putting out 200bhp.
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