Who here owns a Renaultsport?

Yeah, they dont have a habbit of telling people, they just use your picture. Its like a wall of fame thing. Well done.

*goes to refresh CS to find the image*
pfft I'd say something, they get arsey enough if anyone tries to use their images for anything.

They use photos already posted on the site by the owners. Have a go if you want, but I think it would be quite cool to have my car in the banner.
Are any of you chaps going to the RR meet next weekend? I'm thinking of going just for meeting up, would be good to get some 1*2's there.
I was going but will be dropping out as have other stuff to do instead. I believe Skeeter is still going though.

Here is a photo of my interior from a meet yesterday. Stolen the image from fb so no idea if this will work or not

I picked up my Trophy a couple of week ago... so far, so good. It has a Miltek Exhaust and K-Tec remap.

I got rid of my Clio 200 for this, they are great little cars, this is my second one.

I'm Taking her out for her first outing on Friday at Bedford... cannot wait :)


Snap :)

Seriously want to get rid of the melting bus steering wheel, but what to get? Idea's?

If you want to keep the same wheel/airbag, get a refurb from the guys on ClioSport that do them. I got one from a guy called Arran_182 and its epic. Got a silver leather centre band in it too, with silver stitching. Best mod on my car by far.

If your happy to loose the airbag and go for a smaller wheel, then pretty much any after market one will fit. The Sabelt suede ones are popular.
How come? :)

for the amount of money I was spending on my Clio 200 I can have this Trophy + my ZX-10R bike. It also does much, much better MPG... the computer currently reads 37mpg on my commute.

I also think the Trophy is slightly faster with the remap and 200kg's less... certainly feels it anyway.
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