Who here owns a Renaultsport?

Word of advice, don't undo the main centre fixing bolt all the way. Undo it about half way then start to wiggle and pull the wheel off until it comes loose. If you undo it fully your gonna end up with a black eye or a broken nose :)
Struggling with bleeding the brakes after fitting new discs, lines & pads all around.

Managed it before with my last 182 using a Gunsons EZbleed kit but twice I've tried now and it's totally brimmed the reservoir (tricking down and out the bottom of the engine bay) and left the puddle spongy with loads of travel. I let the tyre down to 20 PSI as instructed but can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. :confused:
Noob! Sorted it yet?

I want to try out a decat, trying to source a Miltek one...

Not yet, Air in the system I expect so need to grab some more fluid and flush it through the old fashioned way. You're welcome to come help if you're free this weekend? I'll cook you a romantic meal....
Painted disks?

Should be fine. I have had mine up on 2 axle stands a lot and its been rock solid. I always give it a proper shove before getting underneath it. Being under a car gives me the heeby jeebies.
Done a few searches on CS, some people suggest having another pair of hands for fitting a decat...annoying!
No I didn't, I've just come back from Amber Performance in Dunstable and purchased new for £45....I haven't told the seller yet!
No I didn't, I've just come back from Amber Performance in Dunstable and purchased new for £45....I haven't told the seller yet!

£45 is decent, I nearly bought one for £40 but wasn't in the country. I want a decat. I assume you have a miltek cat back?

If so I demand a video when fitted :D
Will do, yeh I have a full cat-back Milltek system, soon to be a full decat-back Milltek system!

My jack that came with the Clio has broken on the way up, a nice dent is now underneath the side skirt, and it doesn't sit flush with the rest of the body!
Had to go buy a new jack, in hindsight I should've bought one with the axle stands, and now waiting for the car to cool down before work begins.

I will get this done!
I stuck a block of concrete under mine when I had it up on the widow maker. I did not want it coming down on me or the front disc.. Such a dodgy jack, not to mention the jack points have a tendency to bend.
Can't remove the lambda sensor from the cat, the nut just will not budge. Going to have to try again tomorrow!
When taking out my lambdas i put a spanner on them and then hit the end of the spanner with a hammer, worked a treat on lambdas that had been in for 65k.
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