Fitted spacers, make it look how it should have out of the factory. New speedlines on the way and should be here FridayCup spoiler has been ordered and then painted then I can concentrate on the engine side of things.
You can either buy the proper Renault version for £200 or an italian copy for £90. Both are equally good quality. I went for the italian copy, as I might not like it in a few months/years time so won't have lost as much money.
The spoiler comes already primed and ready for paint and I got quoted £100 to spray it black. Fitting is a sore subject really, as it requires you drilling into the boot to attach it. Some people bond it on, but then I am not sure what stresses it could put up with (wouldn't want it taking off on the motorway!). I haven't got it painted yet as I am still researching the best way to put it on. Hope that helps![]()
Sounds like the Dephaser pully had poohd itself.
*tractor sound*
In regards to EML light could be a busted O2 sensor? (actually a really bad one may cause engine to missfire and sounds like a tractor?) Its possible.
Ebay for a new o2 sensor and 30 mins under the car to replace it!
Fitting is a sore subject really, as it requires you drilling into the boot to attach it. Some people bond it on, but then I am not sure what stresses it could put up with (wouldn't want it taking off on the motorway!)
2002 172.
Just bugs me that it was fine a month back, no major issues. Passed the MOT with a single advisory.
Will look into the 02 sensor, cheers.
Bought a new car about a month ago, then went on holiday so only just put the Cliosport up for sale. It's been sat on the driveway, hasn't moved for a month.
Put the ad online, get a call within 30 minutes, guy comes around, all going well, he goes for a test drive.
He comes back and tells me it cut out 3 times, the EML is on and the brakes are bad. I apologise profusely, genuinely feel bad. Just took it for a drive myself, he's right, the EML is on, it cuts out at junctions and the brakes are really soft. Also the engine sounds like a tractor all of a sudden.
Don't know whether to get it fixed and sell to get a slightly better price or just sell it, listed with the issues and hope for the best pricewise.
This weekend was going so well
inb4 - should have test drove it again before listing after it stood still for so long![]()
Another issue I am potentially seeing here is you let some unknown guy take your car for a test drive without you in it?! Did he leave you the money or something? Shame you've got to sort it all when you're selling of course though.