Who Is Cool To You ?

yer_averagejoe said:

Has to be Bob Dylan!

another vote for Bob.
Kurt Cobain.
Ben Stiller.
And Bam Margera to a small degree as he is kind of cool, but I think Viva La Bam seems scripted.
SaBBz said:
She slays vampires too.

Well, I have not seen number 2 yet (cause I thought the first one was kinda weak) but in number 2 she was with all the Vampires... cause being one and all. Unless she kills their criminals or something *confused*
nomad said:

Ginger Wildheart.

Ginger is one of the coolest and most talented songwriters ever.
Where were you in the MUSIC forums when I've tried to sing The Wildhearts praises?

aceface57 -
How can one so young be into Ginger?
manveruppd said:
Another vote for Al Pacino, he is the very embodiment of cool!
And a nod to Takeshi Kitano for managing to play such cool characters despite being a funny little man with an amusing twitch in real life!:D

And, finally, I saw this guy sing the Wanderer from Siegfried in London a few months ago, and I finally understood what the phrase "commanding stage presence" actually means! He's a bit more "old world" model of masculinity than the other people named in this thread but, for me, he wins out because he manages to play it cool in spite of being OLDER than most of the people in this thread! Ladies and gentlemen I present to you:

John Tomlinson

I've worked with John Tom' on many occasions; he is all that you say and more: I total gentleman with great talent, a true professional who has time for anyone.
As you may have guessed, I am proud to say I know him.
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