Who Is Cool To You ?

Can't believe it was left to Gilly to mention "The Big Yin!"

Class act all round!


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weescott said:
I was more impressed by the bike TBH. Have you seen the latest MBUK?
Saying that Peaty is with SC now...so yeah he is my favourite :p
Nope, not yet, but You mean the 'Dale Judge right? yeh its pretty sweet. Peaty's SC V10 isn't bad either though.
Windle said:
Can't believe nobody's mentioned "The Big Yin!" yet (afaik)
Gilly did ;).
Dark_Angel said:
Well, I have not seen number 2 yet (cause I thought the first one was kinda weak) but in number 2 she was with all the Vampires... cause being one and all. Unless she kills their criminals or something *confused*
She killed Viktor in the first one, he was a vampire.
John Cleese

Samuel L. Jackson

Johnny Depp (I don't especially like him, but he's cool nevertheless)

Judi Dench

Sean Connery

In fact, 3 out of those above have played major characters in Bond films.
Ergo, James Bond is officially the coolest movie franchise in the world. Ever.
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