Who Is Cool To You ?

Can't believe it was left to Gilly to mention "The Big Yin!"

Class act all round!


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weescott said:
I was more impressed by the bike TBH. Have you seen the latest MBUK?
Saying that Peaty is with SC now...so yeah he is my favourite :p
Nope, not yet, but You mean the 'Dale Judge right? yeh its pretty sweet. Peaty's SC V10 isn't bad either though.
Windle said:
Can't believe nobody's mentioned "The Big Yin!" yet (afaik)
Gilly did ;).
Dark_Angel said:
Well, I have not seen number 2 yet (cause I thought the first one was kinda weak) but in number 2 she was with all the Vampires... cause being one and all. Unless she kills their criminals or something *confused*
She killed Viktor in the first one, he was a vampire.
Rotty !

He came into the bar on Friday night wearing a bon soir suit. He drives an M3. He wore Union Jack shorts for bowling. He hates the Mancs and he drinks lager.

Cooler than a snowmans packet ! :cool:

He just seemed to give off an effortless coolness.

Nice quote at the bottom of the pic too. (It's James Dean by the way!)
John Cleese

Samuel L. Jackson

Johnny Depp (I don't especially like him, but he's cool nevertheless)

Judi Dench

Sean Connery

In fact, 3 out of those above have played major characters in Bond films.
Ergo, James Bond is officially the coolest movie franchise in the world. Ever.
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