Who Is Cool To You ?


As cool as you can get.....:cool:
dmpoole said:
Ginger is one of the coolest and most talented songwriters ever.
Where were you in the MUSIC forums when I've tried to sing The Wildhearts praises?

aceface57 -
How can one so young be into Ginger?

I didn't even see the post? Maybe before my time? Although not in there often. He is the best songwriter this country has ever turned out imho, and massively underrated :(
ah, having just done a quick search, you mean you sing their praises in general, on a few post. i thought there was a massive Wildhearts arguement or something. Anyway, back on topic, sorry!
Shador said:
And of course Blade

Guess its the whole vampire slayer thing to be cool :P
Blades a wuss, now Hannibla King/ Ryan Reynolds. Now hes cool.

No particular order

Will Smith
Clint Eastwood
Robert De Niro
Al Pacino
Mel Gibson
The guy who plays Admiral Adama on Battle Star Galactica
Mr.T and Chuck Norris
Vin Diesel
Bruce the Moose Willis
Gary Coleman
John Cusack
Harrison Ford
Matt Damon and Afflek
Bruce Campbell
Muhamad Li
Vince Vaughn
Dave grohl
and of course Tom Selleck

And Ryu from street fighter 2:the movie(animated)
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nikebee said:
Daniel Johns, after all he has gone through in his life... he's a true inspiration to me and my hero/idol.
His music speaks to me far better than any person can.


Im suprised that Daniel Johns was mentioned. He's definately the coolest person in the world.
FincH said:
Kurt Cobain.
Ben Stiller.
And Bam Margera to a small degree as he is kind of cool, but I think Viva La Bam seems scripted.
Bam Margera is a complete and other ponce. Hes a git. CKY videos are good though.
And viva la bam 'seems' scripted? Id be shocked if most of it wasnt.

Ow Johny Knoxville is cool.
Phnom_Penh said:
You didn't mention Peaty :p. Minnarr's Honda looks pretty insane tbh. Gracia's very cool imo.

I was more impressed by the bike TBH. Have you seen the latest MBUK?


Saying that Peaty is with SC now...so yeah he is my favourite :p
This is my hero


Julian Cope IS a LEGEND!!!

Me and the BH are going watching him next Friday at the Manchester Acadamy. His live shows are fantastic, with his scaffold mic stand so he can climb up it, and swing to and fro so far you think he's going to fall of it, but never does.

There was an interview with him in this months Word mag


I stopped drinking in 1981 when I was purely a whiskey drinker. I was taking that much acid that the whiskey wasn't having any effect. It became just this swigging stuff - swigging and randomly pointing my finger. So I stopped drinking in 1981 and started again in 2002, when I starteddrinking beer. That's why I'm now like a boy racer with beer - I'm still newly informed by alcohol and find it very exciting. With beer, I'm an odd combination of barbarian and connoisseur. I'll have a nice pint of Sharp's Doombar. But at some point in the evening I'll also neck a Stella, because I need a bit of the industrial vat. I don't drink before 10 at night, because it just wipes me out. But I think the British are right when they hammer the booze - merely tipsy is worse than nothing. I'm not sure why why we have to take on alcohol, but it may be somehow because we're islanders. The Japanese are fairly full on with it as well aren't they? We both seem to be after oblivion


We are now at the point where we ar utterly breaking down society to rebuild it. The heathenising of the West is not just underway, it's midway. By 'heathenising' I mean the destuction of religion, the destruction of anything that's just a vestige - something we've been doing just because it's there, because it's a tradition. There's now no need for gods in the northern hemisphere, that's obvious. Since World War II and the apperance of Rock and Roll, heathenisation has been ongoing. Everything I do is helping this process. I consider that I'm here to make people feel uncomfortable. My current look is so I can be there filling my car at the services and reminding people that things are maybe not necessarialy as they seem

Apart from his musical career he has written 2 books about Monolithic Sites and their history, one about Britain and one about sites in Europe. These books are so good they are even accepted by most academics within the geological/history field.

He is my hero, not just for that.

4 years ago me and my GF lost a baby. The only thing that got us through it was listeaning to JC in the kitchen whilst getting ****** and going to the site that he's been to in in first book the Modern Antiquarian.

He's my hero :D

Have a look
anybody who can play an musical intrument and not be smug about it is cool to me - its such an advanced skill especially guitars :rolleyes:

learning is hard :(

and obviously ali is the man
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