Who is looking forward to GTA V

Not much happening online atm, i managed to get a online session and play a mission with someone else, but more times than not i get Timed out locating session, still loads of bugs to fix i think.
And my ps3 transfer to ps4 worked fine, not added the bonus cash yet do that later.
IMHO in first person whilst driving you sit too close to the dash / windscreen, would be better if you sat a little further back, shame you can't adjust the camera.
Just been playing for the last hour on the PS4 and coming from playing the XBox 360 version the graphics are sooooooo crisp plus the frame rate is so smooth compared to the XBox 360 version


Have they got rid of the dunce servers? I have killed and blown up a load of online players along with their cars and just keep getting warned that ill get highlighted on the map as an aggressive player or something. (or am i already in a dunce server? :p )

Don't play this game to play kissy cats....
First person driving is very difficult, not because of the sensitivity but because the tunnel vision and if you crash, it give you a real sense of being in an accident that it disorientates you, end up no idea which way you are facing, I would think that would be a death sentence in multiplayer.


Have they got rid of the dunce servers? I have killed and blown up a load of online players along with their cars and just keep getting warned that ill get highlighted on the map as an aggressive player or something. (or am i already in a dunce server? :p )

Don't play this game to play kissy cats....[/QUOTE]

I think they have, as an aggressive player, I think people will get an award or bounty for killing you.

P.s. I need to get myself a tank, and an anti tank rocket launcher.
I can't decide whether to get this on XO or PS4. PS4 has the extra features due to the DS4 controller, but graphically isn't the XO marginally better?

Thoughts guys? Ta :)
I can't decide whether to get this on XO or PS4. PS4 has the extra features due to the DS4 controller, but graphically isn't the XO marginally better?

Thoughts guys? Ta :)

No, I think the PS4 is graphically better too.

I didn't think I like the mic when the phone rings or police chatter but it's quite cool. I don't care for the red/blue lights though, I seldom look at my controller, nevermind the underside.
P.s. I need to get myself a tank, and an anti tank rocket launcher.

Anti tank rocket launcher... Thats how i got blown up.

I got blown up then some mexican/america bloke went all gangsta language on me over Kinnect. ! £10k bounty and a mercenary squad went his way :p
Anti tank rocket launcher... Thats how i got blown up.

I got blown up then some mexican/america bloke went all gangsta language on me over Kinnect. ! £10k bounty and a mercenary squad went his way :p

I only found out about the rocket launcher thing can blow up tanks one night playing online when a friend invited me to join a party chat and one Eastern European sounding chap I was talking to showed me when we encountered a guy in a tank causing havoc. I'm not sure what level you need to buy that, may be 100?
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