Who is looking forward to GTA V

Dunno about ps4 but I love xb1 instant load fire it up and straight into my game

Huge improvement over old gen
Wheyyyyy! There is my character!


Are you talking about pricing local to you? I think it's more of an issue in the UK because we can get games quite cheap here in retail which makes the download prices look artificially high. Various places had GTA5 for pre-order for £36-40 in the last few weeks, for example. There's really no need to ever pay more than £40 for a game if you shop around.

Of course I can't speak for very specific local prices but having a more extensive look online it seems indeed GTA V can be had for ~40GBP after various applied discounts etc.

Again that's for the physical copy, and I think I am probably in the minority that actually prefers digital downloads since I don't buy that many newly released games as I don't have the time to play them all anyway. I end up buying them digitally when some offer comes along. Couple this with the convenience of digital downloads (both acquisition & disc related), I don't mind paying the extra in the few cases where I actually do buy a newly released game.
Are there any walkthroughs on how to make most money and achieve most trophies in the most efficient way?
So i am a returning player that foolishly believed i could transfer my existing online character to a new PSN ID, i have since found out that this is not the case as it needs to be the same PSN account.

Sadly I have come to accept the fact that my lvl 70 and all his cars and wealth have gone :mad:

So heres my thinking regarding the returning player bonus,

1. make the new PSN ID on my PS3
2. start GTAV on my PS3 and link new ID to my Social Club account
3. play on PS4 with this new account
4. still manage to get returning player bonuses

Will this work, i really don't want to lose out on this as well.
You need to link old I'd and new I'd on the rockstar website and it'll be fine I think.

I've just been told gtav and mordor have arrived. Bring on 5pm! Putting mordor by for Xmas though.
I pre-ordered the PS4 digital version of GTA V which cost 54.99. The physical copy costs around 48GBP as far as I can see. I'm more than fine with paying 7GBP more to not have to go to a store or order online while not having to use a disc. Sure it's a large download (~50GB) but that was finished well before the launch day.

Of course it means you can't sell it on, but this is a game that I wouldn't sell on anyway.

You can get it for 40 quid.
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