Who is looking forward to GTA V

Anyway I'm ticked off :(

Really wanted to play some GTA with my buddy in the US and I can't access the online mode no matter what. I think it's an issue tied to my PSN account.

When I try in GTA I get "WS-37271-0" as the error code and when I try to access the PSN store I get "E-82000002" as the error.

Basically nothing works :(

No one on here seems to know what to do. You can't post on the Rockstar forums unless you're a month old member. And in my country PS has no point of contact other than an email address.

I never had any problems whatsoever with GTA on the PS3 regarding online play

Apologies if you have already tried this. I know you said you can't post on the forums but have you tried the Rockstar support site?

I didn't think I like the mic when the phone rings or police chatter but it's quite cool. I don't care for the red/blue lights though, I seldom look at my controller, nevermind the underside.

I believe you can turn off the controller light effects. Not sure about the radio chatter, but I'd imagine you could have it set to come through the main speakers.
It's all about the grass.

Just get it whichever your friends are on.

Amen to that.

My friends have all got One's pretty much then there was one of our mates who took the PS4 route as it had the better hardware, he then drew tired of having no one to play with and soon sold up and got the One and never looked back.
I can't remember asking this at all.

Well it depends what you meant:

If you meant, can you only run in first person mode - and not in third person mode. Then no, you can run in both.

If you meant, you can only run in first person mode (i.e. not walk), then my suggestion should allow you to walk.

If you meant, you want to be able to toggle walking/running with a button/setting, then no I don't think you can do that.

Amen to that.

My friends have all got One's pretty much then there was one of our mates who took the PS4 route as it had the better hardware, he then drew tired of having no one to play with and soon sold up and got the One and never looked back.

Sod that and make new friends lol!

Decided to order my copy from Amazon on Monday. I dont feel as anxious about receiving this game after the launch date like some of you.... Perhaps this is because I kind of know what to expect!
Can someone explain what the the new GTA V PS4 distance gfx filter does?

The one you can turn on and off. I can't remember the name.
Yeah, but I don't understand what 'depth of field' on or off actually means or what is does.

What is the practical difference. I was trying to see the difference last night and I couldn't really tell. In the end I think I liked it better with the setting 'off' but not sure why (I know the PS3 version didn't have depth of field).
Yeah, but I don't understand what 'depth of field' on or off actually means or what is does.

What is the practical difference. I was trying to see the difference last night and I couldn't really tell. In the end I think I liked it better with the setting 'off' but not sure why (I know the PS3 version didn't have depth of field).

it puts blur on foreground/distance depended where you are looking
Yeah, but I don't understand what 'depth of field' on or off actually means or what is does.

What is the practical difference. I was trying to see the difference last night and I couldn't really tell. In the end I think I liked it better with the setting 'off' but not sure why (I know the PS3 version didn't have depth of field).

The depth of field will allow the screen to focus on something the foreground, while blurring the background. So if you have it turned on, and look closely at a car, everything but the car (should) blur out a bit.

It is the same effect that a lot of mods do on PC (ENB mods normally), to make the game look more realistic.

e: beaten like a ginger step child :o
Yeah, but I don't understand what 'depth of field' on or off actually means or what is does.

What is the practical difference. I was trying to see the difference last night and I couldn't really tell. In the end I think I liked it better with the setting 'off' but not sure why (I know the PS3 version didn't have depth of field).

I haven't played this version of GTA but usually depth of field simply means things at a distance are out of focus. If it is static then all things in the distance will be blurry and up close sharp. If it is dynamic then usually it changes depending on what you are aiming at. Try aiming at something close and keep an eye on object in the distance they should blur.

Edit: beaten like a ginger conjoined twin.
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