Who owns a Mondeo ST220 / ST TDCI?

This is absolutely true - we saw a few families with young children in parts where they just seemed bored / out of place - granted there's lots for families to do, like the Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai - stunning place, but yeah.

Lewis is all water parks, basically if he can get wet, he's happy. Spain seems to do the trick, cheap and cheerful and keeps us all happy. Few more years till we can start thinking of relaxing places with plenty of scenery.

They're not perfect, but they're not horrendous no. They're slowly getting worse though - I sometimes notice a little bit more bubbling or scabbing as I'm washing them.

One is really good condition as the previous owner had to buy a new one to get through MOT i think.




Yep. These. It's a fun job. :D

Ah good stuff! You think i would be better off changing the leads aswell whilst the uim is off?
Some geezer on ebay is gonna be selling refurbed (seals only) + painted ASBOs for £350 - what do you guys reckon?

Buying the Honda really has come in handy for me.
What's this Honda that you bought?

Can somebody shed a light on how you guys set up your driving position. I am finding it difficult to get comfortable in these Recaros particularly suffering in the lower back region.
Try adjusting the seat with the clutch pedal pushed to the floor. Then do the steering wheel after.
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Bought a little 1.4 EP1 civic. 45MPG compared to the 18MPG I'm getting from the ST round town is a bit of a winner lol.
Sheesh. For that money I'd want AT LEAST calipers and carriers, and preferably disks and maybe pads.
Price includes carriers but not disks/pads.

Bought a little 1.4 EP1 civic. 45MPG compared to the 18MPG I'm getting from the ST round town is a bit of a winner lol.
Don't blame you tbh! You could even get a sporty 2nd car and if it's the right one, still save quite a bit on fuel.
Seems a bit much unless they're proper as new refurbs!
Well the non-refurbs can go for nearly that much these days although I did come across a 2009 set the other day for £260 asking. Adding the cost of refurb+paint to that though makes it pricier than the other set above but you do get control over who does the refurb.
Well the non-refurbs can go for nearly that much these days although I did come across a 2009 set the other day for £260 asking. Adding the cost of refurb+paint to that though makes it pricier than the other set above but you do get control over who does the refurb.

They've shot up in price lately, because of the demand from people on forums who think they're the best thing since sliced bread, though. It all just seems a bit OTT for some second hand bog standard, albeit slightly larger single piston calipers. Even the price of a pair of second hand xenon headlamps is nearer £300 on average now as opposed to £200 a year or so ago.

Looks in good nick - unlike my ST220 which picked up another car park ding last week. I seem to be a magnate for people who open car doors without a care.

Anyone spot this on ebay?


Some quite expensive mods done on that car.

I'll have those brakes, the exhaust and the LSD but I'm not fussed about the rest of the mods on it. I'd probably rather find a nice standard one, although it at least seems to have been owned by someone intelligent who looked after it. Seems like he was ripped off for that ICE though;)
The Team Dynamic alloys really don't work on the 220. Might just be the colour though.

I would also take the AP brakes, would love a pair on mine. Just don't love the price tag.
How do belt tensioners/crank pulleys fail?

Reason I'm asking is that every now and again I get the vibration that goes away with revs, indicating classic belt tensioner issues. Now my next service is going to be the 100k/10 year mark, so the aux belt should be replaced as a matter of course. The dilemma I have is whether I pre-emptively replace the crank pulley and tensioner to mitigate the rattle, or whether I just run it until I get an actual fault appear on the car.

That all hinges on how it will actually fail. Will I get warning, or will I just get stranded at the roadside one day?

I'd just replace the aux belt and tensioners/idler pulleys at the same time - I plan to do mine at some point and probably the water pump belt as a preventative thing as really they're service items - they do rattle and vibrate like you said when they start to wear out, and they can take the belt with them, or at least cause it to wear more excessively. Not so vital on our engines as the cam shafts are chain driven and so you'll just lose the ancillaries, but still.
I can live with the cost of the belt :P. ECP and FordParts don't have all the bits, so I'll have to investigate the local motor factors...
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