Who owns a Mondeo ST220 / ST TDCI?

Let me know when you do :p

Also where are you getting the prices above? I can't find anything pertaining to the 3.0 petrols :(
Just poking around on old forum posts elsewhere. It appears that the 2.2 kit is the same as the 3.0 kit, hence why there isn't usually a separate listing. Difference being that the 3 litre has a separate water pump belt.

I'll debate it, got a couple of months yet, I just make my shopping list early to take advantage of inevitable ECP sales when they come along. To be honest she's a great car with a list of niggles that are purely down to age, the question is how much money I throw at it.

- Tensioner/crank pulley showing signs of wear (98k, so hardly unreasonable)
- Very slight ticking at idle. I mean very slight. Suspect this is valve age in the engine.
- Driver heated seat element is dead

Maybe I'll just lend it to you for a week Howard and wait for you to fix all the niggles for me :p.
I did not know that the 2.2 kit was the same. That explains it, and is good to know! I'll probably buy a genuine kit when I do mine though, I've gone off cheap pattern parts.

That doesn't sound like a particularly exhaustive list of niggles, tackle them one by one and she'll be 100% :) Are you sure the ticking isn't just the injectors / spark plugs or valvetrain working as normal? Plenty of fresh oil?

Mine's at 98k and is pretty much 100% mechanically as far as I know! ... Touch wood.
Could well just be normal operation to be honest - although I'm mechanically minded, I don't have the experience on engines to just be able to hear things like that - I can track down an obvious fault, but I could well just be being paranoid with the ticking!

I keep trying to score some seat heating elements from stdrivers when people are breaking, since they cost daft money new.

You've got me thinking now Howard, if I sort the seat and the tensioners, then she's back to near as dammit mint condition.

(Help OcUK, I'm being converted to a mini-Howard!!!)

You other ST220 folk need to come to the next RR or southern meets so we can have a good old poke around each others cars IRL!
Typical southerner, just wants to meet up to "have a poke around".

Brb, going to build a modern version of Hadrian's wall.... (savages on the south this time :P)
That guy selling his highly modded ST220 has dropped the price to £4k now!

He's removed the bluefin, stereo, amp and extra wheels/tyres from the sale but all the really expensive mods are still there.
That guy selling his highly modded ST220 has dropped the price to £4k now!

He's removed the bluefin, stereo, amp and extra wheels/tyres from the sale but all the really expensive mods are still there.

I'm not sure whether that's a bloody good bargain or not; there are certain cars that are more and less desirable with mods.. Hmm. I'd probably snap it up if it looked stock aesthetically, but had the exhaust, brakes and LSD.

Genuine Ford ignition leads £110. Are they made of gold?

Well there are six of them :p
Some goodies arrived :D


Still not started it up yet, shower first then time to annoy the neighbours :)

EDIT: yes my number plate is hanging off before anyone tells me. Need to stick it back on properly.
That was quick. Pray tell, how much of a ball ache was it to fit? Did you do it just up on the ramps like in that picture? I'm debating how I'm going to fit or get fitted the JP when I buy one. I foresee constant Tourettes outbursts if I try and do it on my drive.

Also videos from inside the car when hooning it like a loon please, thanks xxx
Yeah i did it on the ramps on my tod. Only hard bit what had me ****** and blinding was removing the old nearside backbox off the rubber mount, was a right ball ache. Everything else was easy enough though. Bit of patients needed when lining both of the rear backboxes up and then thats it, done.

I will grab a video when i am out hooning it later :D

Then i really need to get parking it up and sorting the engine out.
So you just unbolted it from the cat and then removed it from the hangers?

I await a video :)

Yeah it bolts on just after the 2 flexi pipes. Really easy to put all the sections on if you take your time. Im 6.2ft and 17stone so not too great in tight spaces either.

Just had a 15 minute run in it, really isn't that loud at all. Not even half as loud as the Piper i had on the Fiesta ST.

Has a nice deep burble to it and pops when downshifting. When giving it the beans in 2nd and 3rd it sounds like a E46 M3 with a exhaust full of spanners. (typical Milltek exhaust)

Can't hear it at all when cruising though, not a whisper when cruising down the bypass. Which is a good thing in my books, very good thing.
Cool I need a video accurately portraying full beans noise please :D I can't find a single decent video on Youtube.. I don't want to hear what it sounds like 2 inches from the tailpipe :/

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-sSk1ELx9w - not sure if I like the sound or not.. It sounds pretty fruity.. I dunno what other cars to compare it to!

Currently deciding between that and the JP..
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