Who shaves their head?

Grade 1 here. It's nice to not have to do anything with it in the mornings.

Also rain or wind doesn't leave you looking like a muppet.
0 every week and moisturise daily after I'm out the shower, gets mega dry through autumn\winter.
I've stepped mine up from grade 1 once per week to grade 1 twice per week as it's getting even more sparse and also grey. I grey a partial beard recently and was surprised just how grey that came out. So it got shaved off along with the hair. At least having no hair means you don't look grey as you age :)

I don't think I'd suit a completely shaved head because I've got several moles (I had some removed previously but have scarring there now). But I just love having hair that takes no effort and no thought other than a quick buzz over. It's dry before I even get out of the shower :D I doubt I'd grow my hair nowadays even if I could.

The only downside is needing a woolly hat in winter and sun cream in summer.
Quite the thread revival here!

I have a Remington HC4250 cordless unit that fits in the palm of my hand. I use that with no guard but it's not particularly close. Searched the forums to see if I can pick up any decent tips.

Since reading this thread I decided to purchase a Headblade Moto and some HeadSlick. Didn't think I'd go for a razor but I don't like my current routine of shaving once every two weeks and it's a chew on compared to shaving in the shower.

Might end up just using my Gillette razor and doing head n face at the same time - if that's a socially acceptable and perfectly normal way of doing things?
Quite the thread revival here!

I have a Remington HC4250 cordless unit that fits in the palm of my hand. I use that with no guard but it's not particularly close. Searched the forums to see if I can pick up any decent tips.

Since reading this thread I decided to purchase a Headblade Moto and some HeadSlick. Didn't think I'd go for a razor but I don't like my current routine of shaving once every two weeks and it's a chew on compared to shaving in the shower.

Might end up just using my Gillette razor and doing head n face at the same time - if that's a socially acceptable and perfectly normal way of doing things?

This is the one you want https://uk.remington-europe.com/products/ultimate-series-rx5-head-shaver

Basically as close as a razor, run it over my head in the shower every other day. Tried the head blade and normal BIC style razors, the head blade was a bit crap normal style razors were generally just as good or better but the ease and convenience of the electric is the way forward.
This is the one you want https://uk.remington-europe.com/products/ultimate-series-rx5-head-shaver

Basically as close as a razor, run it over my head in the shower every other day. Tried the head blade and normal BIC style razors, the head blade was a bit crap normal style razors were generally just as good or better but the ease and convenience of the electric is the way forward.

With all the imitation versions of the Remington shaver on Amazon it was too much of a minefield which is why I opted for the razor thing. How long have you had the Remington unit? Have you had to switch blades yet? If so, expensive?

Bulldog products, shave face/head most days. Shave, shower and then moisturiser.

Bulldog products with razors or other?

Haha OK pal.

No you wouldn't.
This user probably didn't expect to be called out 5 and a half years later but boom :cry:
With all the imitation versions of the Remington shaver on Amazon it was too much of a minefield which is why I opted for the razor thing. How long have you had the Remington unit? Have you had to switch blades yet? If so, expensive?

I've had it since Christmas, no issues with the blades yet.
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