Who shaves their head?

Quite the thread revival here!

I have a Remington HC4250 cordless unit that fits in the palm of my hand. I use that with no guard but it's not particularly close. Searched the forums to see if I can pick up any decent tips.

Since reading this thread I decided to purchase a Headblade Moto and some HeadSlick. Didn't think I'd go for a razor but I don't like my current routine of shaving once every two weeks and it's a chew on compared to shaving in the shower.

Might end up just using my Gillette razor and doing head n face at the same time - if that's a socially acceptable and perfectly normal way of doing things?

See above
I switched over to a Skull Shaver about 6 months ago after using a pair of old Wahl clippers for years. I was debating it for ages as they're quite expensive and wasn't sure if they were just a bit of a gimmick. I whip over my head a few times a week and it takes me about 5 minutes each time. It cuts much closer than the clippers, is a lot quicker and it collects the hair as well which means clean up is easier. I just hope it lasts as long as my clippers as they are over 10 years old and still going strong!
I suppose the other question could be, Who shaves their head and has grown a beard to compensate and to not look like an adult baby?
There is an acceptable age to be bald and as I've said in other threads I haven't come to terms with it as of yet. I've tried the bread route but it just looks all jaggy and a mess.
Yup number 1 all over, been shaving my head for years.

I use a Remington Quickcut

Aye that's what I use but I always miss something and my wife has to neaten it up. Another downside is I can't use it in the shower which would be much quicker.

That Remington skull shaver posted earlier looks good, if the ATX razor turns out to be useless.
I can't see that being any easier to manoeuvre than the Quick cut I have, I doubt I'll be getting the Wahl clippers

not easier to manoeuvre but it's easier to cut hair, faster and closer. the motor on the wahl balding will destory anything else mentioned in this entire thread including the stuff over £100 and I paid around £40 for mine over a decade ago and it still cuts like new and will last a lifetime
No man

I've been on finasteride and minoxidil for 3 months and things are moving.

Clearly still bald af, but since it's started to work I'm going to see how far it takes me.

From what I remember, you looked decent with a shaved head. You just need yo convince your wife that baldness is the way forward.
Been using some pair of shears I bought from Argos about 20 years ago for about £12... zero all over every few weeks.... Love to think how much I have saved not going to barbers :-) Shaved with a razor a few times but I like a LITTLE stubble rather than so smooth my hands stick to my head!
No man

I've been on finasteride and minoxidil for 3 months and things are moving.


Clearly still bald af, but since it's started to work I'm going to see how far it takes me.

Yeah better.. but you wanna buy minoxidil for rest of your life or just accept a fact of nature... and save some money for things that matter?
I'll be needing to join the head shaving club soon enough, I still have very thick hair around the back and sides but the crown is oh so thin, and the front is following suit.

Not sure when I should bite the bullet and shave, maybe once my beard game is stronger!
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