Whole Earth organic peanut butter

17 Aug 2009
Finchley, London
I was deciding whether to get some of this or any of the other hippyish type of peanut butters on the shelves like Meridian, but they all have a vaguely unappetising pale colour. So I bought my usual Sunpat crunchy. Has anyone bought these alternative peanut butters with sunflower seeds and hi oleic peanuts and do they taste good? They seem to have slightly less fat and sugar content.
I would recommend the Whole Earth stuff. The Meridian stuff has the peanut butter and oil separated, resulting in mess, no consistency, very wet and oily peanut butter most of the time, and it doesn't really taste any better.
I would recommend the Whole Earth stuff. The Meridian stuff has the peanut butter and oil separated, resulting in mess, no consistency, very wet and oily peanut butter most of the time, and it doesn't really taste any better.

might as well just go cheapest no added sugar, as its still got palm oil and salt.
I only buy peanut butter with no Palm oil in. The ones with peanuts as the only ingredient are lovely. No need at all for added sugar or salt. As for the oil seperating, that is naturally going to happen. Just give it a stir before you use it!
I grew up eating Sunpat peanut butter and had a try of it a few months ago. Way too thick and dry. Vile stuff!!
picked up some Biona brand almond butter online (following recommendation from earlier OC thread) for myself and parent, 2 months back, none of us had ever tried any nut butters - expected a real treat
- very disappointing, all thought it was bland -

Had expected taste might be heading in the marzipan direction - no just bland
Do you need to activate it by heating on hot toast as opposed to cold ?
True, it had no added sugar/salt do I need to add these posthumously to make it half decent ?
I get the Whole earth stuff all the time - very nice. Worth it for sure. Asda generally sell it for £2 most of the time. Grab a couple of extra jars for the cupboard usually.
I normally buy meridian peanut butter in the big 1kg tubs when I find a decent offer online, give it a stir before you use it to mix the oil back in and after a few uses it naturally stays pretty mixed anyway.

Picked up some Meridian cashew nut butter as a treat when I popped to the shops last night, I'm quite glad it's so expensive as it's the only thing stopping me from demolishing the whole jar in one go and buying more :D
Skippy extra crunchy here, £6 for over a kilo jar from Costco, there's also a smooth option available there as well but I like my peanut bits.

Are these organic peanut butters 100% organic as well as I read something that only 1 ingredient needed to be organic for them to be labelled as such?
I fnd the lakelad costco own brand stuff far nicer than Skippy

tbh anything with no palm oil and 97+% nuts should do.

yes the proper ones that are this high will likely seperate in transit ending up with oil sitting on the top, just give it a decent stir each time.

the bottom inch or so of the costco ones always end up being a layer of the worlds strongest material :p
picked up some Biona brand almond butter online (following recommendation from earlier OC thread) for myself and parent, 2 months back, none of us had ever tried any nut butters - expected a real treat
- very disappointing, all thought it was bland -

Had expected taste might be heading in the marzipan direction - no just bland
Do you need to activate it by heating on hot toast as opposed to cold ?
True, it had no added sugar/salt do I need to add these posthumously to make it half decent ?

Tbh most nut butters are dairly mild/bland in flavour.its just finding a nut you like the taste of.
I threw out a jar of Whole Earth crunchy peanut butter as I thought it was vile. I avoid anything with palm oil added now.
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