The bits have arrived, and I've got the battery/wheels/tyres sorted on the car.
The body shell, well, that'll be a longer term project, need to decide on colours and decals etc - do I want it to look like a stock Evo X, or sticker it up like a proper drift car?
The HPI T-drift tyres are a pain to fit, though! The instructions say to warm with a hot air gun, so I tried a hairdryer, but no dice, they just didn't get soft enough to push all the way on.
So, in the end, it was using this technique, which worked really nicely:
I then spent a couple of hours fitting the new bumper, which involved taking apart half of the front suspension, as the newer design of bumper sits over parts of the chassis, rather than being held just by the two screw holes - so hopefully this means it'll stand up to some knocks much better than the older design did.
Whilst I had it to bits, I then tidied up a few parts, checked everything was tight and aligned, and re-attached the radio receiver in a better position, using cable ties rather than duck tape!
I then threw a battery in, and had a bit of a play with it in the kitchen - I need more space I know!
I've also noticed that my ESC has about 3-4 different forward speeds, but only a single reverse speed... full power! So that's not ideal, but it's working for the moment, maybe in time I'll get another ESC, but pair it with a brushless motor instead?
And, a short video!