Why are YOU single?

Shy, and overweight. :(

Well, lose some weight, even if you only eat bread and water for a week. And be confident. Seriously, who gives a **** about rejection, no one will laugh at you for failing, life's for living. Talk to girls, get to know them, be cheeky.

If clubs are your sort of thing then dance with a **** and grind against her, if you get lucky with her it will be a major confidence boost and will help you with the next girl. ;)

I'm not claiming to be a stud because I'm far from it, but seriously, if you don't ask you don't get.
i became single due to my career and the place it meant i had to work, im still single to this day because i dont know as many people where im at now, which iv used to my advantage by starting fresh and meeting as many new girls as possible, problem is iv gotten too used to this and really cant imagine getting into another relationship for another few years. As much as id like to meet someone who makes me want to settle down its just not going to happen.
because I'm 15 and ugly as sin :(

That honestly tears me up to hear that from someone so young :(, please please believe me that confidence is more important than how you perceive yourself, I'm not saying this just to try and be polite, trust me, with the right, "suave" personality (which is something you can easily learn - just practice and go out and act that way) and nice clothes, and clean appearance even the UGLIEST guy can get the prettiest girls.
or turn gay? get a paper round and start saving for some cosmetic surgery?

awww. Go for the ugly girls maybe?

That honestly tears me up to hear that from someone so young :(, please please believe me that confidence is more important than how you perceive yourself, I'm not saying this just to try and be polite, trust me, with the right, "suave" personality (which is something you can easily learn - just practice and go out and act that way) and nice clothes, even the UGLIEST guy can get the prettiest girls.

when I was 12-14 every single girl who saw me said "awwww, you are so adorable, the cutest thing I've ever seen!!"
Im single as my girlfriend wanted me to be. Now i think my single status is being sustained by me living in the same house as my ex as we cant get out of the mortgage with out both being financially crippled. As you may imagine its hard to have a relationship while having your ex hovering about. Meh.
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