Why do people buy Rustlers microwave burgers?

I've never had one, but am not sure why not. I've eaten all sorts of terrible supermarket food, from growing up in a poor household with a mother who couldn't cook at all (and father who could barely cook), and then living as a student. Though I eat mostly home made stuff now.
lol. Wasn't it Marie Antoinette who supposedly said 'Let them eat cake' ? She was beheaded. Never mock the poor for they shall inherit the earth ! :p

My comment was somewhat tongue in cheek ;)

I would never mock anyone other than in friendly jest-like manner :) However this is GD so I thought it best to offer an appropriate response ;)

Careful now, you may be branded as a food snob:p

Ive never had one before and don't think ill be in a situation where I have to eat something like that.

I am a food snob and proud of it. :) I feel that I cannot afford NOT to eat well and good quality foods...
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