Why I have gone back to Windows 7

22 Sep 2006
This is really getting to you.

What is?..I have been doing happy gaming for last three hours :) , having really good day if I'm honest. However back on topic Microsoft are ones in charge and they seem to have their own agenda with regards to their Operating Systems, regardless it'll be interesting to see where we stand say in three to five years down the road with Win10 etc... Anyway now I need a quick coffee then back to gaming on 10 :) .
28 Feb 2006
No longer riding an Italian
Out of the box, I find that Windows 10 needs a lot of fettling with, to reign all of the 'extras' Microsoft included - all the aforementioned "Consumer Experience" rubbish, the extra services and reporting bits, and even then, some will come back and I am still sure that it will log and report whatever it likes.

Windows 10 LTSB is the only version of Windows 10 I have been happy with, though I have only used it for some testing work here in the office; it's like a re-skinned Windows 7 and has none of the BS.

But personally, I'd rather stick with Windows 7 over 10.
18 Feb 2007
Im a mac user now, but I miss windows, I do however dislike windows 10 design and how news and social stuff is planted in the windows design and all the settings fonts seem huge and very basic looking, I'm sure some of this can be customised, shame they went the windows design route personally.
28 Feb 2006
No longer riding an Italian
Im a mac user now, but I miss windows, I do however dislike windows 10 design and how news and social stuff is planted in the windows design and all the settings fonts seem huge and very basic looking, I'm sure some of this can be customised, shame they went the windows design route personally.

Indeed, it's an utter joke that those things are built into the OS image - it makes my job fun removing them for a Corporate environment! The massive fonts have been pretty much fixed in the 180X versions of Windows 10 - though they were mainly found in the new 'Settings' screens.

Overall I like Windows 10, I personally have found it to run better than Windows 7 on some devices (oddly enough!), the updated look is quite nice, but I can't help but feel it's just a huge storefront to push MS and their (paid) affiliate apps onto you - rather than being an operating system of old. I don't want or need bloody Candy Crush, Facebook or whatever other pap MS wish to bundle - I also don't need Edge trying to tempt me all the time - even when switching the default Browser, it wants to take a last ditch attempt to keep you!

But as I say above, give me Windows 7 over 10 any day of the week, for personal use.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
huge storefront to push MS and their (paid) affiliate apps onto you

But even that they don't do well - the whole app store experience is sub-par and rife with issues.

With 10 they really should have made the app/store functionality front and centre as a one stop solution for installing everything - even with the huge legacy task that involves and the need to work with and incentivise program developers to integrate with it and getting older programs into the system even if that meant a big volunteer program to create compatibility wrappers.
28 Feb 2006
No longer riding an Italian
But even that they don't do well - the whole app store experience is sub-par and rife with issues.

With 10 they really should have made the app/store functionality front and centre as a one stop solution for installing everything - even with the huge legacy task that involves and the need to work with and incentivise program developers to integrate with it and getting older programs into the system even if that meant a big volunteer program to create compatibility wrappers.

I guess that's the pan for Windows 11/12/whatever - as 10 still has plenty of the old style settings windows all over the place, so the whole thing is pretty disjointed. I've personally had no use for the Store yet, I don't use my home machine much, and nothing in the office needs the Store - so I have been saved that hell :D
17 Jan 2015
Windows 10 is a mess in places, but I've got to say, I wouldn't go back to Win7. I think there's a lot of rose tinted glasses; it was a good OS for its time, but that time was almost 10 years ago, and it wasn't without its issues either. Windows 10 has a lot of nice new stuff in it that does improve the experience, eg. touch screen support (say what you want but that for me makes the difference v's MacOS), better window and desktop management, task view / timeline, voice assistant, a secure sandboxed app platform and so on. I agree it needs a lot of improvement too, times have moved on and 7 is now really quite dated.

You would probably be better off using a modern Linux variant if you were so hell bent on shielding yourself from whatever issues you believe Win10 presents. At least it would be somewhat up to date!
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Windows 10 is a mess in places, but I've got to say, I wouldn't go back to Win7. I think there's a lot of rose tinted glasses; it was a good OS for its time, but that time was almost 10 years ago, and it wasn't without its issues either. Windows 10 has a lot of nice new stuff in it that does improve the experience, eg. touch screen support (say what you want but that for me makes the difference v's MacOS), better window and desktop management, task view / timeline, voice assistant, a secure sandboxed app platform and so on. I agree it needs a lot of improvement too, times have moved on and 7 is now really quite dated.

You would probably be better off using a modern Linux variant if you were so hell bent on shielding yourself from whatever issues you believe Win10 presents. At least it would be somewhat up to date!

Touchscreen support in 7 is pretty much junk - hence why I use 8 :( on some devices as an alternative to 10.

I don't think it is so much rose tinted glasses though - I use 7 on a day to day basis alongside 10 and is on all my main machines that I actually want to use - despite 10 having some nice features in isolation (Windows management, file copy dialogue/options, some aspects of DPI scaling work better but other areas still aren't as good as 7, I actually like the new start menu in concept but the implementation leaves a lot to be desired) 7 overall is just a much better OS but one of the key things is sure both have their issues but 7 it is much easier to take control of and manage those issues.

Unfortunately Linux isn't a complete experience/solution for my usage with many programs I use day to day simply having no Linux version or alternative and/or poorly supported under stuff like WINE and/or the Linux version being significantly less feature rich, etc. otherwise I'd straight up be adopting Debian with a custom window manager or maybe Ubuntu over Windows 10.
30 Sep 2005
come on then windows experts....how do I prevent candy crush, dolby access, Minecraft, fitbit coach etc etc from ever appearing on my laptop after a fresh install. The second I connect to wifi they all start downloading. Windows 10 is an utter mess!
6 Feb 2004
If you're happy to nuke the store and all installed modern apps, run this from an admin powershell window...

Get-AppxPackage -allusers | Remove-AppxPackage
17 Dec 2004
I was thinking to go back to win7 after having win10 on for about 3 yrs, because a wintv stick that I have just bought is a bugger to get working in 10... But its a tad too late to go back to win7 as the support for it is almost over. So I guess its either win8.1 or staying with 10 and putting up with my problem.



9 May 2005
I'm still using Windows 7 on my PC. Every few months I think maybe I should change to Windows 10 but then I read a thread like this and say no thank you.
22 Sep 2006
I'm still using Windows 7 on my PC. Every few months I think maybe I should change to Windows 10 but then I read a thread like this and say no thank you.

You can only judge by yourself and not others, personally quite happy with 10, had no real issues and everything running fine for me.
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