Wikileaks to release Hillary documents

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Because I can see what’s going on. I’ve read the Wikileaks emails where they’re constructing the Trump/Russia narrative.

With all the leaks that have come out in the last couple of years, there has been nothing on Trump apart from that audio tape.

Undercover video from project veritas shows news anchors admitting that they the Russia story is fake and is used for ratings.

There has just been 0 evidence of it

As soon as there is (there won’t be), I’ll be on your side
Wikileaks = unbreakable, 100% verified encryption to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt contents of emails are untouched, but it’s all fake...

Yet you believe 100% of what the fake news tell you. We keep going round in circles and it’s getting pretty tiring now
“But why are you so obsessed about Clinton!! She’s a nobody, forget her!” Well one we’re in a Hillary thread and two this criminal is the reason why there’s this fake witch hunt to try and get Trump impeached to begin with. A complete and utter lie based on a more friendly stance with Russia, in order to try and evade the mass corruption that has been going on for the last decade or more
Oh really. I seem to remember you lot being so smug in the election thread how convinced you were Hillary was going to win, and believed all the skewed fake polls when it was me and a few others that were saying it was bs
Senate Investigates Russia, Hillary Clinton, Obama, Uranium And Bribes — And It's About Time

For the record, as has been extensively documented, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seems to be the nexus of much of this Russian criminality — ironic, given her current "What Happened" book tour, and her ongoing complaints that the Russians sabotaged her campaign.

Does it seem strange that an American administration would OK the acquisition of 20% of America's uranium resources by a hostile nuclear power? How could that be?

It only makes sense if you understand what else was going on, namely Hillary Clinton's aggressive use of her State Department perch to raise money for the family "charity," the Clinton Foundation. That Clinton used her office to the foundation's advantage, there can be little doubt.

The Clinton Foundation took in some $145 million in contributions from Uranium One shareholders, much of it coming at about the time that deal won approval from CFIUS — the investment panel on which both Hillary Clinton and Attorney General Eric Holder conveniently sat. Is that a coincidence? Or that the Justice Department waited until 2014, the year after Hillary left office, to take any action in the Russian criminal matters? Or that details of the Uranium One deal didn't come out until 2015, the year Eric Holder left office? Was Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's "reset" with the Russian government in 2009 just part of a wider plan to enrich her own family foundation with Russian cash?

Then and only then will the American people discover the true dimensions of Russian meddling in the U.S. — and whether high officials in the Obama administration, in particular Hillary Clinton, committed crimes in office.
Bit of a difference to try and hide a server in the basement of your house, rather than just using a private email account for non White House business. If all Hillary was using her server to talk about yoga and weddings, wouldn't a [email protected] suffice? If that all she was talking about then why did she destroy the evidence after being issued a subpoena?
Here we go again.. You contribute to the Trump thread every god damned day. Why do you still obsess about an old pensioner?
So I'm only allowed to talk about people who are the President on this forum am I? Hillary is in the topic, did you not see that
Your conspiracy theory = meeting Russians = bad.

Oh, even today CNN admits that Trump was right about the media negatively portrating him, and the Russia stories that dropped lost credability once they examined them. Well no.. what he means is the stories had no credability before they even decided to publish them..

Yeh, I know you don't like reading real news that makes you look silly. But here's a few more links for you to ignore

Mueller Now Investigating Democratic Lobbyist Tony Podesta

Very possible that Mueller has flipped, but won't hold my breathe.

Amazing how all these connections to Russian on the Democrat side keep coming out isn't it. Yet still nothing on Trump
If Trump was dirty it would have leaked before now, 100%. He's been preparing to be president for 20 years or more back when he said he was first interested. All your evidence is him meeting people of a Russian nationality. So if he meets with the Chinese does that mean he's colluding with them too?
Who knows what's going on behind the scenes, "do you see a press release every stage of their investigation and all the evidence to the press BEFORE charges are made?". Remember the government is still full of Obama loyalists, got to make sure the swamp is fairly clean first.

If Wikileaks has more emails, which I'm convinced they do, they'll drop it as and when the time is right. More likely around the time the "investigation" comes to a conclusion
Love it. Show your bias even more why don't you. I even linked the video of Nunes proving the Fox story.

I could have linked the AP link but Fox went into more detail
Oh deary me, it gets better

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

It's Washington Post, your guys' favourite news site so it must be true.

They were so confident that Trump would lose, they manufactured a dossier to get permission to spy on Trump in the hope to get more dirt on him. Oh how is it backfiring on them now.

Just so you know, Fusion GPS has got a track record for being dishonest
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