Wikileaks to release Hillary documents

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the press seem to be giving her air time to give her informed opinon on Brexit, as she is over here/uk to receive her honorary degree,
not sure if it is a combined book tour too ?
I would think better of her if the interviews discussed the charitable/family work she has done meritting this degree.
Overclockers minions defending Hillary Clinton. You have to laugh.....

It's not about defending Hillary, it is why on earth are Trump supporters bother spending a single second on a person

1 - you already beat in an election a year old
2 - a person who is by an large, a pensioner, not in politics, do not hold any political power
3 - no longer your opponent

One must question whether you are sane, too much time on your hands, can't let things go, bitter losing the popular vote, knowing deep down she is the better person than Trump after 9 months of incompetence in office achieving nothing but can't face yourself in the mirror saying "I WAS WRONG" and this is how to reflect it on the outside by going backwards, to the 1 thing that you can gloat about, the win in the election.

Move on! Everyone else has already, spend your energy making American Great again like your slogan instead of looking in the past.
I'm a truth supporter, more than a Trump supporter. But Hillary is a sociopath, a liar, a criminal and suffers from envy of power and money and she still remains unchallenged, even with Trump as President. It's about time she is exposed for the Russian meddling lies, the fact that the DNC emails were leaked (Seth Rich) rather than hacked by the Russians (they weren't), the 33k missing emails, the foundation that she used as a front for her pay to play dealings, and the missing money that was to go to Haiti. She needs to be investigated or exposed for all the mysterious deaths of opponents that have tried to investigate her over the years. Seth Rich, Shaun Lucas, John Ashe, John Jones, Walter Sheib, Joe Montano, Victor Thorn just some of the recent ones.

Julian Assange probably knows the inside of governments better than anyone on the planet, has a 100% accuracy record had this to say about her yesterday.

"There's something wrong with Hillary Clinton. It is not just her constant lying. It is not just that she throws off menacing glares and seethes thwarted entitlement. Watch closely. Something much darker rides along with it. A cold creepiness rarely seen."

"WikiLeaks has a pristine record for accuracy. HRC is not a credible person. The primary cause of her downfall was her own Machiavellian scheme to elevate Mr. Trump ("Pied Piper")."

He also posted some new keys yesterday, that combined with some high profile names indicating he's about to drop info made me make the thread yesterday. It's a fact though, that this time last year he was going to drop the "October surprise", but ran into push back and mysterious circumstances. The biggest DDOS ever took place which prevented him from releasing was one of the reasons
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I'm a truth supporter, more than a Trump supporter. But Trump is a sociopath, a liar, a criminal and suffers from envy of power and money and Trump still remains unchallenged, even as President. It's about time Trump is exposed for the Russian meddling lies, the fact that the DNC emails were leaked (Seth Rich) rather than hacked by the Russians (they were), the 33k missing emails, the foundation that Trump used as a front for Trump pay to play dealings, and the missing money that was to go to his pocket. Trump needs to be investigated or exposed for all the mysterious deaths of opponents that have tried to investigate Trump over the years. ………………..You are High?

The Truth is Hilary is History.
The truth is you can't let go.
The truth is Trump is a terrible President and you regret even support him and the truth is you can't even admit that to yourself.

The truth is Mueller is investigating Trump not Hillary. Wikileaks, well….Wikileaks has nothing.

Because if they had, they would have released it at the election….I said it before, they had you on million times over about the next big leak but NOTHING EVER CAME OF IT, made a FOOL of you again and again, yet you still believe them.

How big a fool are you? Why are you fooling yourself reading something that never came truth for over 2 years ??? What's that saying?

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.

What is fool me for 2 years time and again?
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It's been over year with leaks left right and centre, and there are still literally 0 evidence of any Russian "collusion or meddling". All they could find on Trump was that tape, he's squeeky clean and they can't stand it. But you keep believing in the concerted effort by the Democrats to use the main stream media as a propaganda tool into fooling you into thinking otherwise. They've almost given up reporting on it anymore because they know it's absolutely nothing. Watch the Veritas videos where the anchors say it's a "nothing burger"
It's been over year with leaks left right and centre, and there are still literally 0 evidence of any Russian "collusion or meddling". All they could find on Trump was that tape, he's squeeky clean and they can't stand it. But you keep believing in the concerted effort by the Democrats to use the main stream media as a propaganda tool into fooling you into thinking otherwise. They've almost given up reporting on it anymore because they know it's absolutely nothing. Watch the Veritas videos where the anchors say it's a "nothing burger"

There are plenty of evidence, some of it in the press, people like you prefer to ignore it and claim it is fake news that's all.

And answer me this.

In a murder investigation, do you see the police put out press release every stage of their investigation and all the evidence to the press BEFORE charges are made? Before court trials?

Do you?

And do you think Mueller will present all his initial findings in his investigation to the Press in the middle of his investigations?

Do you?
lol trump idiots still going on about HC? she is on Graham Norton this week for christs sakes, maybe focus all that hate on the failing president rather than the previous elections loser :D

cant win the argument that Trump isnt the worst president in history so replay the election arguments again?
Why do they have to announce it in advance? Why not just dump whatever they have and be done with it?

Wikileaks don't generally announce any leaks in advance, they use an algorithm that drops at a time where the material can have the greatest impact. Occasionaly they will drop pre-commitment hashes ahead of time to ensure that the files being released match up with the hash and that they are not altered
lol trump idiots still going on about HC? she is on Graham Norton this week for christs sakes, maybe focus all that hate on the failing president rather than the previous elections loser :D

cant win the argument that Trump isnt the worst president in history so replay the election arguments again?

I've heard of sore loser but i never thought there are such a thing as a sore winner.
Russian lie in a nutshell...


Btw, just hours ago, Fusion GPS that fabricated the Trump dossier, refuses to comply with the Russia probe subpoena
OMG….you are crazy.

Crazy to even believe a random post online = truth.
Crazy to believe something with no evidence….a post online is not evidence.
Crazy to even process that through your brain and think that is actually truth.

Put down that joint….and stop smoking.
Yeh I'm so crazy. You would think that if a dossier was legit they would comply with a subpoena and be down infront of a comittee in a heartbeat
There really isn’t a big enough facepalm for you tango, honestly there isn’t.

You say you are a truth seeker, if that’s case then why don’t you call Trump out on his hundreds of lies he spouts off when the going gets tough.

I don’t think wiki leaks has anything on HC, maybe Trump they do but nothing on HC. The sooner you come to terms with that, the better.

It’s absolutely hilarious that Trump and his supporters keep banging the HC is a criminal drum. Frankly it’s boring now but Trump and his supporters are like rabid dogs who can’t let it go even though he won sadly.
OMG….you are crazy.

Crazy to even believe a random post online = truth.
Crazy to believe something with no evidence….a post online is not evidence.
Crazy to even process that through your brain and think that is actually truth.

Put down that joint….and stop smoking.

That's so funny coming from the man that believes literally everything he is fed by the mainstream media....
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