I'm a truth supporter, more than a Trump supporter. But Hillary is a sociopath, a liar, a criminal and suffers from envy of power and money and she still remains unchallenged, even with Trump as President. It's about time she is exposed for the Russian meddling lies, the fact that the DNC emails were leaked (Seth Rich) rather than hacked by the Russians (they weren't), the 33k missing emails, the foundation that she used as a front for her pay to play dealings, and the missing money that was to go to Haiti. She needs to be investigated or exposed for all the mysterious deaths of opponents that have tried to investigate her over the years. Seth Rich, Shaun Lucas, John Ashe, John Jones, Walter Sheib, Joe Montano, Victor Thorn just some of the recent ones.
Julian Assange probably knows the inside of governments better than anyone on the planet, has a 100% accuracy record had this to say about her yesterday.
"There's something wrong with Hillary Clinton. It is not just her constant lying. It is not just that she throws off menacing glares and seethes thwarted entitlement. Watch closely. Something much darker rides along with it. A cold creepiness rarely seen."
"WikiLeaks has a pristine record for accuracy. HRC is not a credible person. The primary cause of her downfall was her own Machiavellian scheme to elevate Mr. Trump ("Pied Piper")."
He also posted some new keys yesterday, that combined with some high profile names indicating he's about to drop info made me make the thread yesterday. It's a fact though, that this time last year he was going to drop the "October surprise", but ran into push back and mysterious circumstances. The biggest DDOS ever took place which prevented him from releasing was one of the reasons