Wikileaks to release Hillary documents

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Yeah you "didn't say it" you said she got him down to a year in jail as if that wasn't her job as a defence lawyer.
Which from what I understand of the case wasn't surprising, the prosecution messed up blgly and were low energy (to use some trumpisms).

She didn't want to do it, and wasn't proud of it, but she did her job to the best of her abilities as she was required to do.
If you're ever accused of a vile crime you would probably be glad to have a lawyer who didn't let their personal opinions of you or the crime you were accused of affect their performance.

If my job is ever to get people who rape twelve year old girls a light sentence and who self-admittedly are guilty, then I'm in the wrong job. I've never considered law and morality the same thing. Anyway, everything I wrote is correct. Trump pulled a brilliant political stunt and managed to pull away one of the Democrat's most favoured methods of attack on him. And that is the story behind that photo. If you think the fact that Hillary was "just doing her job" changes that, then you've deeply misjudged the American public. And if that's not what you think, then don't shoot the messenger. Everything I wrote was exactly true. Do what you like with it.
Will be interesting if there is any fresh dirt on the Clintons, though I suspect this is likely being over-hyped... anyway:



(just for the record I don't like Trump much either)
Why do they have to announce it in advance? Why not just dump whatever they have and be done with it?

It's the same technique Edward Snowden followed and for the same reasons - it works. If Snowden had released everything in one go, it would have been too big for the busy public to really absorb the full scale of the release, it would have been a here and then gone news story quickly buried and it would have achieved less penetration into the popular consciousness. By making it a constant flow of new revelations, Snowden was able to massively increase public awareness and comprehension. He was very smart about how he went about it. Wikileaks does the same. A slow burn is more effective than a powder flash, even if the latter is brighter for a moment.
It's the same technique Edward Snowden followed and for the same reasons - it works. If Snowden had released everything in one go, it would have been too big for the busy public to really absorb the full scale of the release, it would have been a here and then gone news story quickly buried and it would have achieved less penetration into the popular consciousness. By making it a constant flow of new revelations, Snowden was able to massively increase public awareness and comprehension. He was very smart about how he went about it. Wikileaks does the same. A slow burn is more effective than a powder flash, even if the latter is brighter for a moment.

You got your facts wrong.

Snowden released nothing himself. He gave it all to the Guardian. Snowden tried everything to get the awareness away from him and put it on the story, hence he released nothing himself.

The Guardian published it, but they just published it, story by story. What they don't do is make a story about tomorrow's headline. They just write the story and put it out.
If my job is ever to get people who rape twelve year old girls a light sentence and who self-admittedly are guilty, then I'm in the wrong job. I've never considered law and morality the same thing. Anyway, everything I wrote is correct. Trump pulled a brilliant political stunt and managed to pull away one of the Democrat's most favoured methods of attack on him. And that is the story behind that photo. If you think the fact that Hillary was "just doing her job" changes that, then you've deeply misjudged the American public. And if that's not what you think, then don't shoot the messenger. Everything I wrote was exactly true. Do what you like with it.

Watch the star trek episode where riker switches off data.

Riker didn't want to do it, but did a damn good job being the prosecutor.

Seems trump is not the only dotard...

Your emotions don't overide court system, it's there there for lunch mob. The two sides did there job, as did those on nurnburg trials and terrorist cases.
Assange blowing more smoke, I'm starting to believe Wikileaks is a Kremlin front at this point.
The hacked Podesta emails were obtained by a group linked to Russian intelligence and released several months later by Wikileaks a few hours after the Trump 'Grab em' video emerged. I wonder how Assange got a hold of them and why he released them when he did? I'm sure there's an innocent explanation.

Julian Assange probably knows the inside of governments better than anyone on the planet, has a 100% accuracy record had this to say about her yesterday.

"There's something wrong with Hillary Clinton. It is not just her constant lying. It is not just that she throws off menacing glares and seethes thwarted entitlement. Watch closely. Something much darker rides along with it. A cold creepiness rarely seen."
I can't believe Assange is saying this about someone else. He's a calculating control freak.

Your emotions don't overide court system, it's there there for lunch mob. The two sides did there job, as did those on nurnburg trials and terrorist cases.

Anyone who has a problem with lawyers fearlessly and fairly defending their client's interests should either campaign for a non-adversarial criminal justice system or just admit that they think those accused of offences are guilty and should be banged up without a trial.
It's just hilarious that Trump and his followers are still so terrified of Clinton after all this time.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, shame on both of us.

Tang0 and tracertong together again in a wikileaks/Trump/Clinton thread! Oh the nostalgia :D

Even for GD this has to be the tweedledum and tweedledumber of threads
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Although they have never been charged with doing wrong, there is no smoke without fire. Not sounding like a conspiracy here but there is some dodgy stuff that’s been heavily linked to them like some other presidents, none are clean politics is dirty
Although they have never been charged with doing wrong, there is no smoke without fire. Not sounding like a conspiracy here but there is some dodgy stuff that’s been heavily linked to them like some other presidents, none are clean politics is dirty

There's been a lot of lunatic conspiracy theories. That's about all.

Meanwhile, Trump has a long and well documented history of lies, broken business promises, dodgy deals, bankruptcies, sexual harassment, and other behaviours that comprehensively disqualify him from claiming the high moral ground in this context.
There's been a lot of lunatic conspiracy theories. That's about all.

Meanwhile, Trump has a long and well documented history of lies, broken business promises, dodgy deals, bankruptcies, sexual harassment, and other behaviours that comprehensively disqualify him from claiming the high moral ground in this context.

But so does the clintons wasn’t it Bill himself that had relations with Monika Lewinski? They are all shady in politics let’s face it
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