Will jogging get you fit?

I've played football every week day in the past 3 weeks and I've noticed a difference.

Don't feel like a fat mess anymore (even though im skinny anyway)

Football is better than plain jogging, it also seems like less effort, because its stop starty.
Spacky said:
Yes it will get you fit but knacker your knees up in years to come, speed walking is far more safer.

You have a source to back that up? Probably not.

As with most forms of physical exercise; poor technique, lack of preparation, too much to soon, etc., may lead to physical injury. There is no evidence that running in itself 'knackers your kness up'.
Jogging should get you fit but other factors will also help determine that. E.g If you look like Rik waller, you need to consider other avenue before taking a long/short distance jogging.
Also your medical history comes into play etc, You best bet will be to speak to one of these "Get-fit instructors" and take things from there. :)
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firstborn said:
You have a source to back that up? Probably not.


How about experience? Personal from a 1st, 2nd POV. Can you back experience up?

**** :D

How about low impact and high impact, anywhere where you jar your knees you do damage.
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road running is not good for your knees, fact

however, i got some specialist running shoes from a shop where they measured all my feet, the arch of my foot, my running technique on the treadmill etc until i got the perfect pair and it really does make a difference. it really is worth the extra £20 or so you pay more than JJB or wherever.
lol when will people realise everything is bad for you... dont not get fit just because your legs might be a bit stiffer than your fat friends when your all 60 (and they have died from heart conditions)

and if your going running in the morning wake me up, ive been meaning to start going running again for a while now... but cant bring myself to get out of bed in the mornings :D
Spacky said:
I always say what was running and walking designed for?

We were designed to run when hunting and to avoid danger, walking was designed to get us from A-B.

Therefore I say jogging is an unnatural form of exercise :)

We also follow unnatural diets and lifestyles.
Spacky said:

How about experience? Personal from a 1st, 2nd POV. Can you back experience up?

**** :D

Guess you answered you own question ;) - I've now been running for 26 years and the only problems I've suffered were from over training. I still maintain that running in itself isn't a proven cause of joint problems.
nealw said:
try fartlekking, it really does improve your fitness a lot

for instance 100m sprinting, 300m jogging, 100m sprinting, 300m jogging etc etc.

fartlekking? Is that a real word? ;) Anyway, I used to train doing something similar to that & it's pretty effective.

Need to get back into it really, I now find myself with an unnatural love of lager, and a beer belly to lose...
firstborn said:
Guess you answered you own question ;) - I've now been running for 26 years and the only problems I've suffered were from over training. I still maintain that running in itself isn't a proven cause of joint problems.

Jogging is known as a contributing factor to Patellofemoral problems as far as I know.

Someone else can find the sources and back it up and derail thread into a medical issue and get it closed :p :D
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