Oh do go on...
No need as you've failed to absorb what has been written before. The problem with your points is that they were all made from an insular point of view.
Oh do go on...
Great, any time you want to enter the discussion, feel free.<gibberish>
Great, any time you want to enter the discussion, feel free.
sorry but wtf has this got do to with race?That Forbes article! Absolutely incredible.
sorry but wtf has this got do to with race?
So many different takes over the same event which basically boil down to either -
Comedian attacked on stage after joke.
Smith defends wife's honour after bad taste joke.
I'm quite surprised that so many people who like to proclaim their progressiveness are seemingly happy for a man to steal a strong female's thunder by resorting to physical violence rather than watching Jada "fight her own battle".
Hell even media like Guardian sees this the same way that I do, it was embarrassing for Will Smith to do this - https://www.theguardian.com/comment...ith-slapping-chris-rock-actor-serena-williams - although somehow a black man slapping another black man who made a joke is still being called the fault of "White Supremacy" by Forbes which must be a joke I think - https://www.forbes.com/sites/maiaho...-talk-about-the-system-that-helped-create-it/
Sadly in these times of "who do we trust" it's all too easy to believe that this could have been staged, by an organisation desperate to make itself relevant again after COVID, but I don't think it was. I really do think Smith, under immense pressure, just snapped.
i mean im half black and that is the most redicolous **** i have ever heard about this whole slapping debate.Everything apparently. It's the white man's fault that one black guy slapped another black guy. Cos both black guys have been oppressed by whitey.
sorry but wtf has this got do to with race?
I am a writer, activist, and college professor who teaches graduate-level courses in counseling. I earned my Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Clinical Supervision and I give keynote speeches and facilitate cultural consciousness seminars and training to staff, students, and faculty at both private and public businesses, K-12 schools, and universities on topics related to oppression, difference, and mental health.
I mean, look at the camera angle, listen to the sound, the chest impact, a slapped face doesn't sound like that. It is a natural reaction to raise your hand if you think you're going to be hit, you at least flinch.Yep difficult to tell if he made contact, certainly no red mark.
But whatever it sets a terrible example, huge misjudgement.
I think Mel Gibson was the closest, but even he, a non-comedian, managed to keep it funny. Something Smith should have tried.oddly I don't recall anyone ever slapping Ricky Gervais, anyone?
Yeah that's what I thought, he does a little fake laugh thing like every audience member does when the cameras are rolling and the MC is making a joke. Maybe seeing his wife's reaction did provoke him more but I don't think it was out of guilt, more the dawning realisation of what an insensitive joke it was and the impact it had on her. Luckily for Smith (and Rock for that matter!) he had a bit of a walk to reach the stage so he probably figured it best to go for a slap rather than just landing a punch like he might have done if they were stood next to each other.Even after half reading the articles I didn’t really get the joke when I watched the video, took me a second to realise it was a hair loss joke which I imagine is what happened with Will Smith. The audience is essentially inured to laugh along with whatever jokes are said so it probably took a second to realise what Rock was saying. But yeah, going up and slapping him… just no. Very disappointed in him. Rock is a tool though, always has been.
@Trig I imagine he knew as just a few days beforehand she'd run an interview saying how she embraced it and didn't let it bother her
saying she could play the part could have been a compliment
maybe this is the turning point in his career where he gets his act together and stops doing crap films.
At the end of the day I'd say his reaction is out of order and his Oscar should be revoked for brining the Academy into disrepute, but I also think they will be pretty careful in future years about who they put on stage and make it clear that certain types of joke are off-limits. The joke was a bad combination of both poor taste and not even particularly funny, there was no guile to it.
i get the joke, but the other reactions are from when lala land was announced winner incorrectly a few years back. the last time plonkers decided something was staged at the oscars for attention.
If you like, she'd probably like itThe Fresh Prince is fast turning into Carlton. Should have close fisted him (so to speak) if he wanted to be taken seriously.
No but I'd slap your mum. In fact she quite likes it!
Can I say that?