Reported what to the police?
There were load of hard men earlier in this thread posting about how they'd not let someone disrespect their wife and they'd deck anyone who did that, and now it's swung the opposite way with everyone saying "why hasn't he called the police

, he should sue and get millions because of a hurt cheek for 15 seconds of his life, why won't someone please think of the children!"
If Smith loses his Oscar, can we put to rest this ridiculous staged theory?
Or will that also be part of the grand elaborate act that they have going on?
It's sad people can't just see it for what it was.
People really believe that:
1. You shouldn't make fun of jadas health issues
2. That Smith and rock and I guess the academy, conspired this plan to get attention, so came up with the idea of rock saying a joke and jada, Smith laughing, then walking on stage and fake slapping rock, then sitting back down, and not leaving it there, but instead having an emotional outbreak, shouting and swearing at rock. Then they got bradley Cooper, p diddy, denzel Washington, to be in on the act too and later behind the scenes in the back ground, comfort Smith, all still part of this grand plan. Then they planned Smith to condone violence, and planned an investigation into something they set up and paid Rock millions to do, and then even may well end up removing smiths Oscar.
Just part of this big set up to get viewers in,viewers in to a show that has already ended for another year. It's not like we have Oscar episode 2 next week, but a year until the new event, of which, not only does everyone by then know it was staged, but also, totally forget the events of this current year's Oscars. And add to that, a slap, fake or not, has never happened before at the Oscars. It's not like you'll tune in next time to see the next outrageous moment live as nothing will happen next year. It won't be bringing in any viewers.
That is what your brain goes to as the more believable story?
Over... Rock, like every host, made a joke, Smith, in an emotional moment made a mistake and reacted incorrectly, of which he's apologised since for it.
The users on this forum are so smart to have worked out what those sneaky Oscar people are trying to do. Bravo