Will Smith hits Chris Rock on Oscars stage

Yeah that's what I thought, he does a little fake laugh thing like every audience member does when the cameras are rolling and the MC is making a joke. Maybe seeing his wife's reaction did provoke him more but I don't think it was out of guilt, more the dawning realisation of what an insensitive joke it was and the impact it had on her. Luckily for Smith (and Rock for that matter!) he had a bit of a walk to reach the stage so he probably figured it best to go for a slap rather than just landing a punch like he might have done if they were stood next to each other.

At the end of the day I'd say his reaction is out of order and his Oscar should be revoked for brining the Academy into disrepute, but I also think they will be pretty careful in future years about who they put on stage and make it clear that certain types of joke are off-limits. The joke was a bad combination of both poor taste and not even particularly funny, there was no guile to it.

I don’t see the problem with the joke, off my head they have said a lot worse. They insulted Mel Gibson on his drinking problem. I don’t recall anyone saying “alcoholism is a serious matter not to be joke about”. They joke about paedophile the year when the film “Two Popes” came out.

Last night he made a joke about her appearance and he didn’t say “Jada looks like she just did 5 rounds of chemo”. He said “Jada, I love ya, G.I. Jane 2, can’t wait to see it.” In a way it was tame. Sure it was lame as well but on the grand scheme of bad taste or level of insults, it was very light. Not to mention G.I. Jane is a positive role model, a strong female character too.

Ps I agree with other things you said, There needs to be repercussions for Smith, you can’t go around assaulting people because they said something you don’t like, what lever happened to free speech that they holds dear?
I mean, look at the camera angle, listen to the sound, the chest impact, a slapped face doesn't sound like that. It is a natural reaction to raise your hand if you think you're going to be hit, you at least flinch.

When people really get slapped they don't react like that. CR would have been flustered and looking for advice off stage and in his ear piece. Crew would have approached Smith and tried to de-escalate.

It's all noise. Another distraction. From what I don't know but it certainly created a 'water cooler' moment.

I think the main thing is that we shouldn't advocate for violence when someone says something we don't agree with. It was an inappropriate response and technically assault/battery. Was Smith arrested? Is CR suing?

Again, things just don't add up.
I think if it was a joke that would have broken by now.
I would imagine there would be all sorts of outrage if a 'white' academy that's trying its hardest in the last few years to be 'inclusive' and 'woke' took an award off of a black guy given the angle that Forbes article was going with...
You're probably right. I don't see how they can just let physical violence on the main stage slide though, they'll need to be seen to have done something.
The white knights on facebook comments from his post there via the official account are quite funny. Bad funny, not good funny.
Good on him, even if the first para feels a little bit like him trying to justify it. A good apology as celeb apologies go imo.

Still shouldn't be the end of this, and he should have taken the opportunity to apologise to Chris publicly when he won the Oscar but at least seems like he's on the right track now. I do wonder what people have been saying to him behind the scenes though, and how much pressure he was under to apologise!
Has anyone felt humiliation on a world stage? I very much doubt it. Will done what he had to do at the spur of the moment.

I once fell asleep on an airplane and woke up to discover that not only did I have a very visible stiffy but there was also a fresh cup of coffee sitting in my little cup holder, a beverage that wasn't there when I fell asleep.

I can assure you that I didn't go around slapping the cabin crew.
Some interesting little theory's doing the rounds.

1 Fake to get people talking about the Oscars

2 PR stunt. Will is gay and will come out soon. (Would explain his wife banging everyone)
Looks like the internet has recorded history of Will Smith making a joke of the exact same condition back in his yoof: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/tqq5e7/will_smith_making_fun_of_arsenio_halls_band/

I kinda think it's fake though the Chris Rock thing. How many millions do you think he got or some other deal for pulling the stunt?

I refuse to believe that Smith walking up on stage with all those cameras, and not a single camera decided to zoom in up close so we could actually see if the connection was made because the wide angle shot masks it and things just don't add up properly otherwise?
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