Poll: Will YOU be buying the iPhone 3G[s]?

Will you purchase the iPhone 3G[s] on June 19th?

  • Yes

    Votes: 102 21.6%
  • No

    Votes: 283 60.0%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 87 18.4%

  • Total voters
I'm thinking about buying the 16GB 3G S on PAYG, and getting O2 Simplicity...

iPhone = £440, O2 sim = £19.58/month = £675
iPhone 3G S = £90, O2 iPhone Contract = £44/month = £882

Just the £440 upfront, though! :p

Dunno where you learnt maths but for 18 months:

PAYG + £20 Simplicity is £800
£440 + 360...


The £35 contract price is £801.xx IIRC.
No, Video Recording isn't a feature that comes with 3.0 OS - instead it comes in the 3G. This is purely because the iPhone 3G has a camera only capable of taking pictures, whereas the iPhone 3G can take pictures at 3MP and videos at 30fps VGA.

LOL no offence to you but that sounds like typical apple BS. If the 3G does not have a camera capable of video recording, how do cycorder & iphone3gvideorecorder (jailbreak apps) work? They both do a great job, the latter even better.
Umm wait, what?

So lets talk this through, I bought a original iPhone (Nov 07) and upgraded to the 3G August 2008.

Will o2 do as before and upgrade me? or are they shafting new people and pushing us all towards PAYG or buying out your contract?

I'm seriously confused! (which doesnt take much btw).

Anyone clear me up? :p
I'm picking up a 16gb on a 18month £44 contract and downgrading to £34 after 9 months.

Currently on a 8gb 2G iPhone so will be a nice upgrade for me.
Yeah. My contract for my N95 with Orange has been up for a while now. I've been waiting for the new iPhone. Plan on getting the 16GB GS on a £35pm contract.

Currently got a 3G with my contract expiring in Jan 2010 so I might be tempted then - but then in 6 months time, the next sodding one comes out so what does one do? I'll be buggered if I'm paying out my existing contract months for £315, and then sealing another 18month contract.
No, Video Recording isn't a feature that comes with 3.0 OS - instead it comes in the 3G. This is purely because the iPhone 3G has a camera only capable of taking pictures, whereas the iPhone 3G can take pictures at 3MP and videos at 30fps VGA.

Funny that, my 2G iphone can do video, albeit jailbroken but it can do it hardware wise and software wise. So the argument that you can't do it with the 3G is moot.
LOL no offence to you but that sounds like typical apple BS. If the 3G does not have a camera capable of video recording, how do cycorder & iphone3gvideorecorder (jailbreak apps) work? They both do a great job, the latter even better.
True. My 3G records video just fine.
Yesterday i got caught up in the hype and was gonna upgrade from 3G to 3GS but now i'm not so sure. The cost is just silly and is the 3GS really that much better? It as a slightly better camera and it's supposedly twice the speed which will only really matter if the Apps take advantage and i can't see many devs makeing 3GS exclusive Apps.

Also there is absolutely no reason why Apple can't implement video recording on the 3G, when i jailbroke my phone (don't bother anymore) i was using cycorder which was excellent, recorded video with sound (good quality as well). This is just Apple being A-holes and i really can't understand why they just don't implement it. It's not as if it's new technology, most phones have been recording video for years.
Umm wait, what?

So lets talk this through, I bought a original iPhone (Nov 07) and upgraded to the 3G August 2008.

Will o2 do as before and upgrade me? or are they shafting new people and pushing us all towards PAYG or buying out your contract?

I'm seriously confused! (which doesnt take much btw).

Anyone clear me up? :p

Read this

If you expected anything different, you should be ashamed of yourself...
you can buy applecare for the iphone now.

Do any one know if i can buy applecare for my old iphone 3g which still have a month left on warranty.
you can buy applecare for the iphone now.

Do any one know if i can buy applecare for my old iphone 3g which still have a month left on warranty.

From the Apple website: "The plan must be purchased while your iPhone is still under its original one-year warranty."

My question is, is there any reason why I wouldn't take this over the O2 insurance, as applecare works out £100 cheaper

edit: actually, i'm guessing they dont cover loss and theft.... duh !!
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I'll be getting one as close to launch as possible, should be a good upgrade to my 2G. I'll probably be getting the standard £35 18m contract, hopefully o2 won't have any problems transferring my current o2 simplicity phone number over!
No, but will upgrade my iPod touch once a 64GB version is released.

Anyone else think that O2's prices are ridiculous today? Not just the iPhone but their entire phone range. I was shocked when I saw how much they were charging for the Nokia N96. Surely the 8GB iPhone should have dropped in price? It's old technology!
Voted no. Was very interested in a 32GB PAYG model but that price is just mind-blowing. I had a hard time justifying £400 for the 16GB and whilst 32GB is obviously double that, I won't be going over that amount of money - which is plenty to spend on a phone.
I'm thinking about buying the 16GB 3G S on PAYG, and getting O2 Simplicity...

iPhone = £440, O2 sim = £19.58/month = £675
iPhone 3G S = £90, O2 iPhone Contract = £44/month = £882

Just the £440 upfront, though! :p
Does that mean you wont have the WIFI bolt-on? Trying to work out the cost at the moment myself PAYG iPhone3GS to Simplicity but my figures scare me :(

ps3ud0 :cool:
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