Winter 2022/23 - It's too cold :(

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My heating has clicked on in the last week... Set to 18oC and it has been on for a total of 2h45 min over the last 7 days according to Nest app. Some days it hasn't come on at all.
Probably the heaviest rain I've ever driven in last night 20 mph in a 50 at the most with rivers of field Run off, certainly not worried about the hose pipe ban
Definitely gone chillier outside. About 16.5C upstairs, but nothing a jumper can’t solve. I’ll probably have a day of gaming tomorrow that’ll warm it back up.
2.9C last night -woke at 4.00 and heating was blasting out -set at 17c so had to get up and turn it down. :rolleyes:
Still not had the heating click on yet, not sure we've ever gone this far into autumn without it coming on. Sitting at around 18 degrees which is lovely.
Probably the heaviest rain I've ever driven in last night 20 mph in a 50 at the most with rivers of field Run off, certainly not worried about the hose pipe ban
The ban will continue until we get long periods of slow, steady rain. Heavy downpours just mean the water runs off instead of soaking into the ground and filling up the reservoirs... It does mean we also get more flooding though, so if you fancy becoming a flood relief specialist, business will boom. I imagine a few water company CEOs will be vacating their positions too, as the number of sewer overflows increase, so that could be a lucrative move.

Temp in the house last night hit 12ºC, so we're getting close to putting the heating on, I think.
Definitely gone chillier outside. About 16.5C upstairs, but nothing a jumper can’t solve. I’ll probably have a day of gaming tomorrow that’ll warm it back up.
Its turned chillier all right had to shut the window last night there was quite the draught I even had to put a sweatshirt on! I'll fire up the 3090 later that'll have me sweating again.

The ban will continue until we get long periods of slow, steady rain. Heavy downpours just mean the water runs off instead of soaking into the ground and filling up the reservoirs... It does mean we also get more flooding though, so if you fancy becoming a flood relief specialist, business will boom. I imagine a few water company CEOs will be vacating their positions too, as the number of sewer overflows increase, so that could be a lucrative move.

If people think a day or two of rain is going to refill all the reservoirs they'd better think again we've had months of drought.
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Definitely been parky outside for the last few nights, but the heating remains off. Nothing a few thick layers and a throw doesn't sort out.
5oC this morning outside so heating has been coming on...currently 7oC just now so it'll be a chilly one tonight.

House seems pretty well insulated as it's been empty all day with heating off and only dropped to 17oC from 18oC the heating is set to (circa 9 hours) then heating came back on as home became occupied (Home and Away setting on Nest)
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Heating's finally gone on. It's still only set low (17°) but it's time to take the absolute chill off the place.
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