Winter 2022/23 - It's too cold :(

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Christ on a bike :eek:

Should help reduce kidnappings mind :cry:... Sometimes I wonder how my mind works

I used to have duct tape, cable ties and a roll of large plastic bags in the passenger side front door pocket on my truck... the look on some people's face when noticing it was a laugh.
I completely disagree. You can't just make a blanket statement that anyone spending £90-100 a week has not already done quite a bit to combat energy costs. Some households don't just have 2 people living there. There are large families with multiple children in a lot of houses. When every light in your house is LED, you use smart plugs everywhere on schedules, minimize and strategize washing/dishwashing/heating usage etc etc.... there really does come a point where you can't realistically chase much more of a reduction without it becoming an obsession that is unlikely to yield much of a difference if you want to maintain a fairly normal standard of living.

Get rid of some family members.

Knock down half the house so you don't have to heat it.

People lived in caves for years, just thinking about that makes me feel warm. Positive thoughts. Mind over matter.
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I used to have duct tape, cable ties and a roll of large plastic bags in the passenger side front door pocket on my truck... the look on some people's face when noticing it was a laugh.
Who would notice that stuff unless sitting in your passenger seat?

Dahmer, is that you?
Well the recent cold weather has highlighted a weakness in the work that the water board did to my property this year, resulting in a very tiny leak.
If customers tell me today is cold. I may ask them to step into the walk in freezer in the back which is minus 24c.
thought that was a continuation of the duct tape line of thought .. you have taste the difference new meat discovery for xmas ?

rob - if you regularly hit deer in your truck (cow bars?) the bags&tape could enable a sideline too

N Cambridgeshire impacted by leaks after the great thaw ... no water for 8 hours today and, mission creep on fix time 10pm , 2am ..... guess the numeric sequence.
next number was 6pm today - 24 hours with unreliable water at what point do they given compensation.
no showermilk today
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