Winter 2022/23 - It's too cold :(

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Temp is much better thank god, only needed the heating for a couple of hours yesterday, looks like it'll be good for the rest of the week
First night for a few weeks when I took the gamble of not putting heating on in any room last night, after yesterday outdoors hit the dizzy heights of 10C! :eek:

Little chilly first thing today, but lounge is now a comfortable 20C.
Maybe I'm just weird but I like the cold, maybe it's the yorkshire blood. I've been happy to let it get down to 12-15C in my home to save energy, just put on thick clothes & blankets and it's fine, if you're really cold just do some quick cardio or bodyweight execised, few sets of 20 press-ups or squats or situps and you're plenty warm*. I almost wish I could go back in time to when the Thames used to freeze over thick enough for huge bonfires on the ice, and it did that every year for a while.

*I remember rugby practice as a teenager in -5C evenings, we'd all be layered up in the changing room reluctant to go outside, but as soon as you've been running for 5 mins all the layers came off and we were perfectly happy playing in shorts and short sleeves. You'd be surprised how much heat the human body generates when doing strenuous exercise.

On the other hand I hate the hot weather, as soon as it starts getting above 30C in the shade I'll be turning the air conditioning on (regardless of electricity cost) and have cold showers every two hours. Ugh.
Been beautiful 2 days here in South Wales. Started off cloudy both days but by afternoon sun's out. So the funs out.

I have no problem with dry cold winters. In fact it's as nice as summer!

I leave you as always, with a kayaking snap, just same as @moon man with his lovely views (which I never get bored of)

Was out from lunch till sunset. More winter like this please!

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It's been bloody blowey (no not the good kind :D ) for the past 24 hours, I'm guessing its pretty rough north of the border if its this windy here.
When driving to Poland I pass your town maybe i will pay you a visit this would be awesome meeting British person in Poland ;)

Sorry to go OT but my mother is Polish but lives miles away in the northeast. I had a guy from work who was out there the same time as us and we drove all the way to his place whilst we were there as they were getting married. It was a little surreal meeting one of my work colleagues in the middle of nowhere in a different country.

It is still very cold where my mother lives. (About 20km from the wolf's lair!)
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