Winter 2022/23 - It's too cold :(

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Crazy week here.

Snow, then day after temp up 5C, then day after another 3C, then few days after that back down 6C. Its all over the place.

Looks like air masses fighting for the skies above my city.
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So temps have warmed up, 18.8C room temp no heating, but it feels like there is no more perfect temp for me, gone from cold to chilly to sweating in the space of a few weeks. Granted I am wearing my sweater though, time to stop wearing it now I guess.
Don't think I've had heating on for more than a couple of weeks this winter and even when it was on it wasn't on the entire day. Joys of living in on the south coast, until summer comes then it all sucks donkeys nads :p
Although the stupid cold weather has gone, this grim nonsense seems to be sticking around. At this rate we won’t even need the annual ‘it’s too hot’ thread.

I was thinking the same thing. I’ve booked the week after Easter off work. Nothing planned just thought I’d make a long week of it. But if the weather continues how it is I’ll probably cancel the time off in hope it gets warmer and drier later in the year
Have people forgotten that, traditionally, March is cool and wet/windy and April is also wet and warm... Kinda how the phrase "April showers" came about.

It's not meant to be dry and hot in April...
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