Poll: Winter Is Coming - HBO's A Game of Thrones [READ WARNING]

Who will rule Westeros?

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I really cannot work out whether I want to read ahead in the book or watch the series first. I'm getting so wrapped up in the story that once I have caught up reading this weeks episode I'll probably be unable to stop and go spoil myself for the telly!

I've read and watched most (but strangely NOT Song of Fire and Ice) SF and Fantasy over the last 30 years and for characterisation and story telling, this ranks way up there.

HBO have ridiculously high production standards, apart from one or two slightly dodgy CG (the Eyrie didn't quite work for me) scenes, this is Hollywood quality stuff (actually, it's better, because unlike most of HW films, it has a coherent, mult layered story).

I'll need to watch the whole thing again, but it bears comparison with Lord of the Rings as an adaptation I think.
Find it worrying that there are only 4 hours left, there's so much story left to tell, We'll be waiting ages for the next series and thats if nothing bad happens to stop that going ahead.. you can never tell with tv companies these days.

Personaly i'm loving it but it's not everyones cup of tea for a tv series ?
A very imaginative way to kill the guy considering he said just moments earlier that they aren't allowed to spill any blood ;)

Although the stuff he melted (gold presumably) was far too quick to change to molten!
A very imaginative way to kill the guy considering he said just moments earlier that they aren't allowed to spill any blood ;)
Well that's the point, burns don't bleed! :p

Although the stuff he melted (gold presumably) was far too quick to change to molten!
"Any time now! Oooh... you're REALLY gonna get it! Just you wait! Just 2 hours longer...":D
A very imaginative way to kill the guy considering he said just moments earlier that they aren't allowed to spill any blood ;)

Although the stuff he melted (gold presumably) was far too quick to change to molten!

While true, it might have been pure gold, was beaten very thin, and went into an already hot pot.
he's in the kings guard because he's a lannister. They all want to weasel their way into positions of power and influence through their name, rather than on merit.

Bear in mind the comments stark made to him about the condition of his armour and carefully choosing his opponents. He only picks fights he knows he can win. Like stabbing the king in the back.

From the show that's what I thought as well, it's clearly trying to make him out like that.

From what I've read up though, the books say he's one of the best warriors in the seven kingdoms.
he's in the kings guard because he's a lannister. They all want to weasel their way into positions of power and influence through their name, rather than on merit.

Bear in mind the comments stark made to him about the condition of his armour and carefully choosing his opponents. He only picks fights he knows he can win. Like stabbing the king in the back. Then there was of course the comments about the lannisters staying out of the revolution by Robert and Eddard against the Targareyans until they knew which side was going to win.

One thing the lannisters are not, is men of honour. They serve only themselves.

It's rather different for Jaime


His father Tywin, intended to marry him to Lysa Tully. Cersei suggested he become one of the kingsguard so he does not have to marry. King Aerys also wanted him to be a kingsguard to slight Tywin, by robbing him of is heir.

why is that a spoiler ?

If you can't work out that Joffrey is an illegitimate child and son of Jamie by now you're watching the wrong series.

We know that brother and sister are at it, we've seen it in the first episode. We know that the previous hand of the king was killed for asking questions, probably by a lannister.

Now what could Cersei be up to that would warrant killing people like a 10 year old boy to hide her secret ? oh yes thats right, she's bumping uglys with her brother :D

So John Arryn obviously found out or was close to finding out when he was killed.

And who do we know that has a tradition of having lots of fair haired children ? the lannisters of course.

No co-incidence that she's having it away with her fair haired brother and then has a fair haired child :p

I had my feelings about this as well but wasnt too sure but it makes sense now. Now i only hope that Cersei and Jamie get their just rewards for trying to kill Ned Stark's son...the sooner the better for the pair of them...loathsome characters and absolutely loved it when the King properly bitch slapped her for her cockiness.
Are there really only 4 episodes to go? Loads to do yet! Still really enjoying it though, will have to look at the Borgias though to fill this slot in my tv.
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