Poll: Winter Is Coming - HBO's A Game of Thrones [READ WARNING]

Who will rule Westeros?

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Understandable but they didn't really "need" to film any scenes of her actually collecting witches. She only had to arrive at Winterfell with them, instead of being alone, with a simple line of exposition "I collected as many red witches as I could find" and the audience would had understood what her purpose was, but I'm guessing that'd be more CGI, more actors & horses, more filming etc and the show doesn't have the time/budget anymore for those "nice but not 100% necessary" bits.

100% Agree, how much more effort would it have been to swap out 15/20 Dothraki riders for Red Priests? only thing that would need to change would be a few extra costumes.
Oh God.

GRRM had been writing these since the 80s so I think people are unfair when the blame him for any of these. Why should he rush? I guess the mistake was selling the rights so early.

But gosh that episode. We've spent 8 Series over 9 Years watching the characters slowly learn that the Throne is unimportant (which is why only the first book is called Game of Thrones, HBOs first mistake), and that the real fight is The Night's King (a song... Of ice... And fire...); Only for them to wrap that up in ONE episode. The next 3 are what, Cersei? Does anyone care about her now?

Winterfell should have been lost, most everyone should be dead and Jon + Literally a Handful of others should have escaped to the south pursued by the army of the dead all the way to Kings Landing (mopping up everything on the way), where there's then some interesting plot about whether she lets them in, Arya can still do the deed if you want, and the final remaining player sits on the throne of a destroyed and decimated kingdom. Thus we learn the lesson; the throne isn't important if there's nothing left to rule.

Edit: also missed an absolutely gorgeous opportunity for Dead Ned in the crypt.
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But gosh that episode. We've spent 8 Series over 9 Years watching the characters slowly learn that the Throne is unimportant (which is why only the first book is called Game of Thrones, HBOs first mistake), and that the real fight is The Night's King (a song... Of ice... And fire...); Only for them to wrap that up in ONE episode. The next 3 are what, Cersei? Does anyone care about her now?
Besides all the hilarious nit-picking going on in this thread, I actually agree with this sentiment. For as long as I've watched GoT I thought the Night King was the primary threat and story-arc, and as you said, we were going to be shown how all this politics etc. between factions is all actually pointless...
Winterfell should have been lost, most everyone should be dead and Jon + Literally a Handful of others should have escaped to the south pursued by the army of the dead all the way to Kings Landing (mopping up everything on the way), where there's then some interesting plot about whether she lets them in, Arya can still do the deed if you want, and the final remaining player sits on the throne of a destroyed and decimated kingdom. Thus we learn the lesson; the throne isn't important if there's nothing left to rule.

100% agree that would have been better, however we've still got 3 episodes which seems a lot when it's just knocking off Cersi so I'm guessing (I hope) there's more to this than just 3 episodes of a big fight at Kings Landing.

Edit: also missed an absolutely gorgeous opportunity for Dead Ned in the crypt.

Dead Ned - :D
Oh God.

GRRM had been writing these since the 80s so I think people are unfair when the blame him for any of these. Why should he rush? I guess the mistake was selling the rights so early.

But gosh that episode. We've spent 8 Series over 9 Years watching the characters slowly learn that the Throne is unimportant (which is why only the first book is called Game of Thrones, HBOs first mistake), and that the real fight is The Night's King (a song... Of ice... And fire...); Only for them to wrap that up in ONE episode. The next 3 are what, Cersei? Does anyone care about her now?

Winterfell should have been lost, most everyone should be dead and Jon + Literally a Handful of others should have escaped to the south pursued by the army of the dead all the way to Kings Landing (mopping up everything on the way), where there's then some interesting plot about whether she lets them in, Arya can still do the deed if you want, and the final remaining player sits on the throne of a destroyed and decimated kingdom. Thus we learn the lesson; the throne isn't important if there's nothing left to rule.

Edit: also missed an absolutely gorgeous opportunity for Dead Ned in the crypt.
They were not fighting a proper army that lets you have an orderly retreat from the battlefield the clue was in the previous episode "we are going to have to kill the night king before his army destroys us all" they are not going to kill off every main character so its obvious the night king had to die in the episode.

Jon somehow surviving a barrage of arrows despite being the only target in the BotB is plot armour.

Jamie, Brienne, Pod, Greyworm and Sam all surviving a literal 10 ft wave of Wights is plot armour.

Jamie, Brienne and Pod again surviving when they're literally pinned up against a wall with hundreds of Wights swarming them is plot armour.

Sam somehow surviving despite being a goner 6 times is plot armour.

Jon surviving dragonfire by hiding behind a rock despite the same dragonfire blowing a huge hole in the walls of WF is plot armour.

These people only survive these impossible scenarios because the writers want them to be alive in the next episode, not because they did something to survive that was logical to the story.
So you wanted all those characters to die to feel satisfied every film or TV show protects its main characters how did Frodo get to mount doom how did tom Hanks get off the beach in saving private Ryan how did Ripley survive in Alien and Aliens if you want realism go watch a documentary.
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They were not fighting a proper army that lets you have an orderly retreat from the battlefield the clue was in the previous episode "we are going to have to kill the night king before his army destroys us all" they are not going to kill off every main character so its obvious the night king had to die in the episode.

No he didn’t, it should have ended at kings landing, splitting the Cersei and WW arcs up is a disaster.

The only respite now is hopefully Cersei wins and this isn’t some ******** Disney ending.
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So you wanted all those characters to die to feel satisfied every film or TV show protects its main characters how did Frodo get to mount doom how did tom Hanks get off the beach in saving private Ryan how did Ripley survive in Alien and Aliens if you want realism go watch a documentary.
No, I just wanted the competent writing I'd come to expect from the earlier seasons. Live or die I don't really care as long as it makes sense within the rules the show has set from day one.
They were not fighting a proper army that lets you have an orderly retreat from the battlefield the clue was in the previous episode "we are going to have to kill the night king before his army destroys us all" they are not going to kill off every main character so its obvious the night king had to die in the episode.

I think you missed the whole part I typed out where only a handful of people make it out.

And yes. Many main characters should die. Neds death shocked everyone. Catlyns death shocked everyone. Oberyn. Robb. Jon (@Olly). Ygritt. Hodor. Rickon.

All these deaths were supposed to hurt you, the viewer (or reader). They SHOULD kill every main character if every main character is fighting an enemy that can't be stopped, as you so rightly point out.
In my perpetual quest for catharsis, travelling through the endless wastes of YouTubia and across the infertile plains of Podcasteros, my favourite comment so far has been words to the effect of: "The plot armour was so thick on this episode that even Kenny from South Park would have survived!" Tickled my fancy, and my fancy's been a bit limp ever since Ros got crossbowed.

Honourable mentions go to:

"Next episode: Jon Snow dies of prostate cancer."

"Final episode is gonna be Bran warging through time to kill Martin so that he doesn’t have to finish the books"
In my perpetual quest for catharsis, travelling through the endless wastes of YouTubia and across the infertile plains of Podcasteros, my favourite comment so far has been words to the effect of: "The plot armour was so thick on this episode that even Kenny from South Park would have survived!" Tickled my fancy, and my fancy's been a bit limp ever since Ros got crossbowed.

Honourable mentions go to:

"Next episode: Jon Snow dies of prostate cancer."

"Final episode is gonna be Bran warging through time to kill Martin so that he doesn’t have to finish the books"
Watch MauLer's video if you haven't. Incredibly cathartic.
Give "Game of Thrones S08E03: An Unbridled Rage" a watch on YouTube. :D Has a lot of swearies in so I won't link. The more I see, the more I think this episode was trash.

Edit: Oh yeah, same dude recommended above ^

Which subreddit ?

It was on the main GoT sub. Mods deleted it fairly quickly though.
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Wouldnt it be awesome if GRR Martin was writing the last 2 books as one big 'choose your own adventure' tome... It would stop the internet experts who haven't written a word of fiction since primary school telling the world how the story 'should be'.
too much nonsense to quote all of it
Among most of the things you missed, point 6 stands out. The WWs had spellfrozen the fire trench, hence why the archers couldn't light it. They then had to send out mellisandra with a protectant to light it. Perhaps watch again before wasting so much time typing guff?
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The WWs had spellfrozen the fire trench, hence why the archers couldn't light it.
There's a decent tactics debunk on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jY2jAnV5Fa4 where he reminds us that arrows are a lousy way to set fire to things (outside of movies) even under ideal conditions, and deep midwinter is about as far from ideal as possible. I'm not sure any extra magicalisation was required.

I still think they missed a golden opportunity to have the Red Witch sacrifice herself to get the fire started and make up for (ish) torching a child. Dondarrion could've been tweaked to give Arya the Team Red God pep talk. But I'm not going to go on about it. Not beyond April 2023, anyway.
Just out of interest is anyone who absolutely hated E3 not going to bother watching the remaining episodes? Genuine question as I hated The Last Jedi so much I will bot be watching E9. Just wondered if anyone actually felt E3 was so bad the series is forever ruined and not worth bothering with the remainng 3 episodes.
Are we going to see anyone from House Reed again?

Like obvs Bran is buddies with the daughter and we've seen the young Howland Reed in the tower of joy scene. There is a good chance he also knows about Jon's parentage, though we've never seen him in the current timeline in the series and that reveal has already been made thanks to Bran and Sam/Gilly. So perhaps he'll not be needed at all?

I guess if/when they march an army down south then we have the possibility of a meeting with him and a Meera/Bran reunion but aside from Meera and Jojen the only time we've encountered that house is just a mention by the ironborn of the constant attacks they were facing when they held Moat Cailin.
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