Poll: Winter Is Coming - HBO's A Game of Thrones [READ WARNING]

Who will rule Westeros?

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Most people are acting like spoilt brats. Nothing is perfect and this show is far and away one of the best shows we've had in recent times.
I'd rather have it the way it is than not at all.
Most people are acting like spoilt brats. Nothing is perfect and this show is far and away one of the best shows we've had in recent times.
I'd rather have it the way it is than not at all.

Or we're just used to the quality of writing seen in earlier seasons and expected more of the same thanks to the hype?
I find it a bit wierd people will not accept a show like these letting the heroes live through impossible odds.
I'd rather have it the way it is than not at all.

Honestly, this season is a tragic mess from 2 writers who dont have enough creativity without GRRMs notes to guide them.

Trying to wrap up 2 seasons worth of content into 6 episodes was bad enough, but then the simply bad writing compounds that into something that, dare I say it, will ruin the entire show because the ending wont be accepted by anyone who can see the blatant shift from "anyone is fair game to die" to "lol impossible odds but whatever you can stay alive for no reason"
Honestly, this season is a tragic mess from 2 writers who dont have enough creativity without GRRMs notes to guide them.

Trying to wrap up 2 seasons worth of content into 6 episodes was bad enough, but then the simply bad writing compounds that into something that, dare I say it, will ruin the entire show because the ending wont be accepted by anyone who can see the blatant shift from "anyone is fair game to die" to "lol impossible odds but whatever you can stay alive for no reason"
It's really sad honestly. D&D aren't perfect but Martin has essentially cut off their hands with how he's handled the books. He hasn't released a single book in the 8 years the show has been running unless you count ADWD that came out a couple of months after the show aired. D&D's adaptation of the books was almost perfect (with a few missteps here and there) but they just can't write the way Martin can.

I'm now just looking forward to how the books end despite never reading them. If they end that is.
So many people from fantasy sandhurst.

More like so many people with plain old simple common sense :D

  • While I love the cinematic effect of the Dothraki charge, instead of the correct use in this situation which is flank attacks which funnel the enemy into a pre-determined killing zone, it was tactically stupid.
  • While I understand the use of the Unsulled as "hold the line" troops, putting them infront of the static defences, and therefore allowing the melee-attack based enemy to close to swarming range unhindered, was tactically stupid.
  • While I understand the show wanted to use Trebucets, putting them infront of the static defences and infront of the Unsulled was tactically stupid.
  • While I understand the CGI budget would have stopped them filming 'proper' layered defences, with multiple lines of flaming trenches, obstacles, a reconnaissance force and fires lit at set ranges to aid the trebuchest and archers all of which would slow down, break-up and light-up the melee-attack based enemy (allowing the ranged weapons more time on target), what was shown with one 4ft wide trench with a few wooden spikes was tactically stupid.
  • While I understand that the CGI budget would have stopped them showing the thousands of archers keeping up a ranged barrage of flaming arrows on the wights (no need for dragon glass then), only having the archers engage close range targets negates the primary power of their ranged weapons and was tactically stupid.
  • etc etc

The list could go on but, while I can see the huge tactical flaws in the defence of a static location vs a melee-attack based enemy, I know it's just a TV show with non-military folks simply writing stories, who are limited by budget and doing the best they can, so I can't complain when what they do was tactically stupid, but I can't be jumping for joy over it either :D
More like so many people with plain old simple common sense :D

  • While I love the cinematic effect of the Dothraki charge, instead of the correct use in this situation which is flank attacks which funnel the enemy into a pre-determined killing zone, it was tactically stupid.
  • While I understand the use of the Unsulled as "hold the line" troops, putting them infront of the static defences, and therefore allowing the melee-attack based enemy to close to swarming range unhindered, was tactically stupid.
  • While I understand the show wanted to use Trebucets, putting them infront of the static defences and infront of the Unsulled was tactically stupid.
  • While I understand the CGI budget would have stopped them filming 'proper' layered defences, with multiple lines of flaming trenches, obstacles, a reconnaissance force and fires lit at set ranges to aid the trebuchest and archers all of which would slow down, break-up and light-up the melee-attack based enemy (allowing the ranged weapons more time on target), what was shown with one 4ft wide trench with a few wooden spikes was tactically stupid.
  • While I understand that the CGI budget would have stopped them showing the thousands of archers keeping up a ranged barrage of flaming arrows on the wights (no need for dragon glass then), only having the archers engage close range targets negates the primary power of their ranged weapons and was tactically stupid.
  • etc etc

The list could go on but, while I can see the huge tactical flaws in the defence of a static location vs a melee-attack based enemy, I know it's just a TV show with non-military folks simply writing stories, who are limited by budget and doing the best they can, so I can't complain when what they do was tactically stupid, but I can't be jumping for joy over it either :D

The thing is though, it's not as if they couldn't have hired a few freaking consultants! Shows such as Band of Brothers managed it...
Be careful guys, someone just posted potential spoilers for the finale on reddit. Apparently their brother works on set and got a taste of what happens. I think I'll stay away from all GoT stuff from now on just to be safe.
So many people from fantasy Sandhurst.
So many people from fantasy WWF. :p
The thing is though, it's not as if they couldn't have hired a few freaking consultants!
I have no doubt that the writers were up against it, trying to write something visually impressive and coherent when so much of it was reliant upon complex and expensive CGI, which still has limits even if you have infinite time and money. But that just makes it all the more important to get your thinking hats on early to try and tell the story well without resorting to shortcuts like Robb riding out of a wood, declaring victory from an unseen fight. They couldn't get away with that now expectations were so high from a much broader audience. But to make such a glorious spectacle of such monumentally lousy tactics in the most important battle fought on Westeros for 8000 years (give or take) is... well, disappointing.

I think I'll go rewatch the start of Gladiator again, just to remind myself what a satisfying battle looks like. (Nobody tell me if it's equally shocking... I don't want any more of my illusions shattering this week! :))

Be careful guys, someone just posted potential spoilers for the finale on reddit.
Amazing this hasn't happened before, and perhaps inevitable now the stakes are so high for attention. Thanks for the warning.

Oh, and thanks for the Angry Joe link. I'm not much of a YouTube commentator watcher but I NEED an Angry Joe in my life at the moment.
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Best summary :D
"Game Of Thrones 8x03 WTF Edition" on Youtube (age restricted)
How I'll remember S8 E3 when I'm senile :D
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Things I would like to have seen, part 93: Melisandre said she had a reason for disappearing back home for a while before coming back to die. Apparently she left some washing on the line or had to feed the dog, because it wasn't important enough to be mentioned before she self-snuffed in the snow. What if she'd been recruiting other Witches and a bunch of them ride out of the dark behind her when she arrives? Nice extra pre-battle morale boost. They spread out to set fire to the swords and then ride out with the Dothraki, while Melisandre looks bad again by hanging back (continuing her conflicted narrative). In the distance we see lobbed firebombs from the Witches, briefly illuminating horrific scenes... then there's an unGodly shriek in the wind and the lights start to go out.

That was the original plan for Melisandre, she was meant to be rallying witches to assist with the upcoming battle but Carice Van Houten fell pregnant during shooting so they couldn't film certain scenes that they original wanted to.

  • When Melisandre departed in Season 7, she said that she was going back to Essos to retrieve other magic-wilding Red Priests - but in this episode, she inexplicably returns to Winterfell, alone. There may have been external pressures on her plotline: actress Carice van Houten became pregnant during the break between seasons, then suffered from withdrawal issues for a time afterwards, which may have impacted scenes they originally intended for her to film.
That was the original plan for Melisandre, she was meant to be rallying witches to assist with the upcoming battle but Carice Van Houten fell pregnant during shooting so they couldn't film certain scenes that they original wanted to.

Understandable but they didn't really "need" to film any scenes of her actually collecting witches. She only had to arrive at Winterfell with them, instead of being alone, with a simple line of exposition "I collected as many red witches as I could find" and the audience would had understood what her purpose was, but I'm guessing that'd be more CGI, more actors & horses, more filming etc and the show doesn't have the time/budget anymore for those "nice but not 100% necessary" bits.
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