Poll: Winter Is Coming - HBO's A Game of Thrones [READ WARNING]

Who will rule Westeros?

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The way they just killed Jamie's character development and make it obvious that Dany is going to go mad queen, I preferred this episode more than the last but the dialogue was like it was ripped from the Star Wars prequels, D&D are really quite terrible
It does but it can be a bit awkward to find. You have to scroll right to the bottom to see live channels then scroll across to Atlantic

EDIT: that is for the console app btw the desktop one just scroll across to entertainment and there will be a watch live section

You can just select the TV guide on the PS4 Now TV app and choose Sky Atlantic from there.
The Hound is headed for King's Landing, he has some unfinished business there and he doesn't plan on coming back....could they have made Cleganebowl more obvious? :o I think that's a good example of how poor the show has largely become.
I think this is the end of the golden age of TV. Some extend that way back to the 80s, some to the 90s, but personally I thought Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad represented the pinnacle to keep an eye on. Breaking Bad is long dead and I think we're now seeing a rapid degeneration as demonstrated by GOT. The golden age is now officially over.
Seems like Cleganebowl is a good possibility then with the Hound's "unfinished business" comment... I do wonder if Jamie is going to have a change of heart and kill Cersei. Then again if he's back in with her maybe Arya's unfinished business could involve killing them both inc wearing Jamie's face to kill Cersei.

I guess we knew there was a weapon that could kill a dragon, Bronn very nearly had a shot before... though that ambush with the ships was a bit of a surprise.... not quite sure why she needed to head to Dragonstone in the first place though, why not just go direct to Kings Landing and start the blockade?

Also when she was ambushed and a dragon killed there seems to be a rather obvious weakness with those ships in so far as those massive crossbows are all facing forwards... can she not just circle round and just take them from the side or from behind?

Likewise Missandei is about to be executed but Cersei goes and stands right next to her, right on the edge of a big drop... all she says is "dracarys" when she could have just jumped and taken Cersei with her.
Do they think medieval tactics were this poor?

I really do wonder sometimes, dragonstone is literally out in the open, they couldn’t send a scout ahead for assurances of safety? Or hell keep a lookout there with a raven? My oh my.

Of course that led onto the next pointless semi-main character death (with mega convenient chance to kill Cersei and save everyone the trouble of further story frustration), which will undoubtedly lead into more.

I like how seemingly no one remembered that mr pirate was likely going to appear, they seemed much too sure of their ultra unsafe journey regardless of scouting.

At this point I think I’d rather have m night shyamalan write this story.
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  • I liked that Gendry was officially given the Baratheon name (of coarse Dany had a motive to do so, but even so).
  • Sansa is pretty smart telling Tyrion about who Jon really is... she is planting some seeds of descent in Dany's ranks right there.
  • Bronn has some balls, got to give him that, truly someone looking out just for himself (to hell with everyone else).
  • Felt sorry for Brienne, Jamie was always going to ride back to Cersei.
  • Down to one dragon (so gutted how that went down out of the blue like that, I think everyone is going to enjoy seeing Euron die a slow and painful death lol)
  • Greyworm and Dany looked pretty upset over Missandei (I guess that means all out war next week).
Looks like Arya is not content with killing the NK, she still has names to tick off her list.
She probably has the best chance now to get a knife to Cersei's throat.
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They definitely seem to be showing Dany getting more unstable, can't see her surviving.

For sure during the battle Arya and the hound will be going for Cersei. Hound will fight the mountain and Arya will save him instead of killing Cersei, dying in the process.

Also only 2 more episodes :(
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How I’d like it to end is at some point during the battle, Danny is either dead or deposed, Cersei surrenders and when taken away reveals herself to be Arya who killed her at some point though we don’t know about this until the reveal. This way I can see her more fanatical followers surrendering instead of fighting on after seeing her die.

Something like that anyway.
Felt like a episode of two half's this week, first as a farewell to people and the second to set the next two episodes up,

I wonder if Jamie will actually be the one to kill Cersei now he's back on the ride down south granted they said it'd be two weeks before Jon gets there and he set off after the army but with the current GOT time doesn't matter he should pop up, It'd be too action man if Arya kills Cersei too after the NK.

Cleganebowl finally next week?
Yea think Jamie will do it. Arya dies saving the hound during cleganebowl. That's my prediction.
I think this is the end of the golden age of TV. Some extend that way back to the 80s, some to the 90s, but personally I thought Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad represented the pinnacle to keep an eye on. Breaking Bad is long dead and I think we're now seeing a rapid degeneration as demonstrated by GOT. The golden age is now officially over.

Inevitable once they ran out of source material and didn't know where to go with it really. Lost was the same, though that didn't have source material to begin with.

I'm more excited for the next book, if it ever arrives, now that I've seen how poor the TV show did the last two seasons.
Why would Cersei not just finish them all off there and then? They wouldn't have stood a chance. What a joke the writing has become.

Parley with your enemies is a standard part of historical conflict throughout most of history, and has been shown multiple times in the series. I doubt even Cersei would break that.
Yea think Jamie will do it. Arya dies saving the hound during cleganebowl. That's my prediction.

I'd say close but the other way around, hound to die Arya to finish the mountain off.

Defo think Jamie will be the one to end Cersei, the writing has been lazy last few seasons and everything seems to now be a lot simpler than we predict.
Parley with your enemies is a standard part of historical conflict throughout most of history, and has been shown multiple times in the series. I doubt even Cersei would break that.

You mean after their family destroyed a wedding that the hosts specifically said was safe and that one time when she happily destroyed a church full of people?

Uhh no, this was forced for ‘lolplot’.
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