Poll: Winter Is Coming - HBO's A Game of Thrones [READ WARNING]

Who will rule Westeros?

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I enjoyed this episode, however the last 4 have not had massive amounts happen apart from talking to tie things up, if we didnt have stuff tied up we`d all be whinging and wondering well what if`s.
Its gotta be hard for the writers when originally it was follow the book now its not. There is heaps of details in the books, so yes not as much info as previous series that had a tie. However do we think if there had been no book to go from, we(as in those in this thread) wouldnt be complaining about script/writers. :D

I can`t understand why GRRM is taking so long, do we think he has given up and there will be no more books? (There better be cos I can`t have unfinished series of books on the shelf. :D)
So basically they're setting it up for dany to go mad because all her friends and allies are dead. Can see greyworm going next then the last dragon.
I see Dany being the last death of the series, and Cersei's death by Arya with the line "Leave one wolf alive and the sheep are never safe."
The writing continues to get its stupid moments. Everytime there is a sea/canoe/boat scene they just have to introduce that clown don't they. As soon as they showed the scene it was obvious what was going to happen.

Also...someone pet the doggo ffs!!
I enjoyed this episode, however the last 4 have not had massive amounts happen apart from talking to tie things up, if we didnt have stuff tied up we`d all be whinging and wondering well what if`s.
Its gotta be hard for the writers when originally it was follow the book now its not. There is heaps of details in the books, so yes not as much info as previous series that had a tie. However do we think if there had been no book to go from, we(as in those in this thread) wouldnt be complaining about script/writers. :D

I can`t understand why GRRM is taking so long, do we think he has given up and there will be no more books? (There better be cos I can`t have unfinished series of books on the shelf. :D)

I just think Benioff and Weiss are **** writers, they were only transliterating the source, which is easy.

It went from concise character development and logical plot arcs to rule of cool literally as soon as the source material dried up. Literally scenes are there just for fan service, which is not how you run a story. I believe the Mormont giant kill was one of those nonsensical moments.
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Wow, a strong "after the battle" start which quickly deteriorated into more "WTF" garbage - invisible ships shooting dragons, Dani with only 100 troops standing within killing distance of Cersi who does nothing etc etc. D&D are rapidly throwing away the ending to best TV series recently with these utterly stupid plot moments.

I can only trust that the ending is one that Martin himself wanted, but maybe he lied to the team so it would make the show look like ****.

He only told them "who" wins but has already said that "how" it happens will be different from book to TV.

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