Poll: Winter Is Coming - HBO's A Game of Thrones [READ WARNING]

Who will rule Westeros?

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Why was nobody watching for ships? They can see the smaller fleet outside Kings Landing, and they will have heard from Theon that Euron had a huge fleet, so how do they not put two and two together? It's stuff like this that makes absolutely no sense, and is just explained away with the usual "well, plot" and people lap it up. No, sorry, but it's rubbish.
Just be thankful they brought you so many years of great TV and cut them some slack when they start to drop off quality wise. They probably realise this themselves, but they just haven’t got the writing ability of Martin and they can’t wait for the great procrastinator to finish, they have to work with what they’ve got.

Some people just come across as spoilt children tbh when it has come to this season.
Be thankful? This isn't a charity handing out water to children in Africa, it's an entertainment company with billion dollars worth it annual revenue adding more money to their coffers :p

What is the whole deal with the story now that books have been over, did Martin at least tell them how he would finish it and they are using their own (currently poor) execution to get there?
Why was nobody watching for ships? They can see the smaller fleet outside Kings Landing, and they will have heard from Theon that Euron had a huge fleet, so how do they not put two and two together? It's stuff like this that makes absolutely no sense, and is just explained away with the usual "well, plot" and people lap it up. No, sorry, but it's rubbish.

Dany is arrogant. Her entire plan revolves around the idea that Euron's fleet poses absolutely no threat. It would seem highly unlikely that Euron would be foolish enough to attack, and if he did then great; the dragons would burn the fleet and there would be fewer men to defend the city.

She didn't account for ballista, or the fact that Euron is a bit mad, willing to put the bulk of the fleet and his own life at risk to test the new weapon.

I agree that the scene was a bit clumsy. Everything is now, as they rush through every scene. But the result would have been the same had they given the scrap more screen time. If Dany had seen the ships, she would have attacked. One of the Dragons would have died. Most of her ships would have been scuppered. The only difference is, it would have taken more time out of the episode.
characters that were seemingly intelligent shown to be really stupid (Tyrion not even considering a dead-raising enemy wouldn't raise the dead in the crypt ffs)

I think the few times we've seen the dead being raised (including Jon and Dondarion for the lord of light), they've only been recently dead/killed, so maybe they wouldn't have thought that the long time dead could be raised again.
Oh God this episode was just appalling, me and a couple of friends were sitting there watching with our jaws agape at how hilariously bad things have got in such a short space of time.

So many wtf things happened:

1) Jon about to tell his sisters about his secret then the camera cutting away.
So? Do we, the audience who already know need to see/hear this again?
2) Sisters then telling everyone about his secret three scenes later.
Sansa only, and because she's now playing the game, Dany be damned - being nice and honourable gets Starks killed, she's looking out for her own now.
3) Jaime and Brienne's cringeworthily awkward and 100% unnecessary sex scenes.
In your opinion - felt like a natural way for these two characters to go after all they've been through together. You know, character development, which brings me to the next point...
4) Jaime throwing away seasons of character development and rendering himself pointless to run back to Cersei. Utterly bizzarre.
If he's going back to seriously join Cersei I'll eat my hat - he makes off as soon as he hears she's ambushed Dany and taken out a Dragon and has a good chance to win...
5) Jon leaving Ghost without so much as a pat or a hug.
Finally, an actual good point! They might be expensive to show next to humans close up but the characters needed a goodbye (unless that's not actually their goodbye?!).
6) Arya running off to join The Hound on a merry jaunt despite spending seasons trying to get away from him or kill him.
Erm, what? Do you watch the same show? If you can't tell these two are close then you're lost!
7) Bronns utterly bizzarre appearence and cringingly awkward dialogue. Everything was so out of character it hurt.
I'd say it was 100% in character for Bronn, sick of being messed around. He still likes both the brothers which was the only reason he didn't kill them (that and playing the odds).
8) Daenerys not seeing an entire fleet waiting just around the corner from where they knew a fleet would/should be.
They were hidden away between two outcroppings of land and no one thought they'd be a threat even if there. I suppose sfx could have shown the scene differently with the dragons skimming the water rather than being up higher...
9) Euron Greyjoy managing to destroy a fleet of ships by machine-gunning ballistae bolts.
Yeah, a bit over the top with how powerful they were but meh, the story has them getting blasted, if it takes 3 hours or 3 mins the end result is the same. Get some pretty sfx.
10) Danerys's fleet was seemingly wholly destroyed, washed up on the beach, then appearing in front of the city as though nothing has happened. How many died?
This is a bit of a lapse that the sfx and the story writers/directors not always thinking things through.
Clearly the story called for not all the ships being destroyed but that's not what we see. The ships were ferrying a small force to garrison Dragonstone only. Perhaps the rest of the fleet where moving off to setup a blockade which was stopped when they know the dragons could no longer protect them.

11) Daenerys standing in front of a city with her dragon sitting within range of every ballistae on the walls. The army standing within range of every archer on the walls. Daenerys having zero archers or units with ladders capable of breaching/scaling said walls.
They were there to parley, not attack! That's just a small escort. Come on, pay some attention. The Dragon was placed well behind so if they did attack they'd have an angry dragon charging in. Don't kill him and you're toast.
12) Missandei standing there with only her hands loosely shackled directly next to Cersei while knowing she would shortly be killed. Being the brave uberwoman she is surely she could have struck or grabbed Cersei and jumped off the wall?
Looked fairly chained up to me, maybe costume should have added more but whatever. Would have been futile with the mountain within arms reach and she wouldn't have got her final word in.

The directors clearly have zero idea what they are doing now and are just rushing through it in the most haphazard way they can. The script is bad, the directing is bad, and the show has lost all gravitas as well as emotion. It was like a bad romcom.

They will deservedly go down in infamy for this.

It's an open thread, but for the sake of your own dignity why make such daft and childlike posts? If you can't handle criticism of your favourite show like an adult then that's your problem. For the rest of us intelligent people capable of giving open and honest critique, we shall continue to post our thoughts. :)

I can handle genuine, intelligent critique but most of the above is a load of rubbish! A couple good points out of 12 and most of the rest is where you just haven't been paying attention.
I think the few times we've seen the dead being raised (including Jon and Dondarion for the lord of light), they've only been recently dead/killed, so maybe they wouldn't have thought that the long time dead could be raised again.

Pretty sure the army at Hardhome was too big to be explained as only the recently deceased. Unless I've massively under estimated the number of people living beyond the wall.
Be thankful? This isn't a charity handing out water to children in Africa, it's an entertainment company with billion dollars worth it annual revenue adding more money to their coffers :p

What is the whole deal with the story now that books have been over, did Martin at least tell them how he would finish it and they are using their own (currently poor) execution to get there?

I read something the other day that suggested he doesn't have any idea how they're going to be ending things, and that's he's not even happy that it's ending so soon because there was so much that needed to be addressed.

And you're right. Being told to be thankful and that we're childish for criticising the current episodes is rather childish in itself. We should be able to feel annoyed at how things are playing out given how rushed and messy this season has been.
I think I possibly preferred this episode to many others but I still found it massively disappointing. Main area of failure for me came with the time-shifting elements, something that just felt like it was all being rushed in a cheap way. Also, the way Danerys's fleet was seemingly destroyed as others have said, with many dead or beached, then next minute she's standing with an army at the castle gates? Logistical elements have previously been a big part of GoT where battle planning etc was all part of the arc. Now, it is just like some computer game where forces just spawn in etc.
I read something the other day that suggested he doesn't have any idea how they're going to be ending things, and that's he's not even happy that it's ending so soon because there was so much that needed to be addressed.

And you're right. Being told to be thankful and that we're childish for criticising the current episodes is rather childish in itself. We should be able to feel annoyed at how things are playing out given how rushed and messy this season has been.
I think it’s been great and have enjoyed every moment, apart from Rhaegal dying :(

I think a lot of people have gone into this series hoping to nitpick and moan about it, rather than just enjoying it. Things like logistics. It’s a fantasy TV show not a DPD business plan.
Back around the 9/11 attacks, the flight-sim newsgroup was still alive and kicking. (Sims were still a thing back then... feels like ancient history now) Things got very tetchy, politically, and that spilled over into discussion of the sims as well.

The conclusion I reached then was that the more messy and complicated real life gets, the more we need our entertainment to deliver a satisfying release from reality. A sweet (as in hitting the sweet spot) conclusion to this epic, decade long TV adventure had the power to unite a huge audience and deliver a bit of much needed feelgood factor around the globe. That's perhaps a bit much to ask any creative type (ask Martin himself!), but there's nothing wrong with this series that having the courage to bring a writers' room into play wouldn't have mostly cured. Half the things we're discussing here wouldn't have made it past the first collective draft, and that's a shame when the folk actually making the product have done such a great job.

But such is life. At least this way we get to play the game of Game of Thrones indefinitely. If the scripts had been perfect this thread would be five pages long and look like an Instagram love-in. Xxx.
Back around the 9/11 attacks, the flight-sim newsgroup was still alive and kicking. (Sims were still a thing back then... feels like ancient history now) Things got very tetchy, politically, and that spilled over into discussion of the sims as well.

The conclusion I reached then was that the more messy and complicated real life gets, the more we need our entertainment to deliver a satisfying release from reality. A sweet (as in hitting the sweet spot) conclusion to this epic, decade long TV adventure had the power to unite a huge audience and deliver a bit of much needed feelgood factor around the globe. That's perhaps a bit much to ask any creative type (ask Martin himself!), but there's nothing wrong with this series that having the courage to bring a writers' room into play wouldn't have mostly cured. Half the things we're discussing here wouldn't have made it past the first collective draft, and that's a shame when the folk actually making the product have done such a great job.

But such is life. At least this way we get to play the game of Game of Thrones indefinitely. If the scripts had been perfect this thread would be five pages long and look like an Instagram love-in. Xxx.
I think they made a mistake finishing with a 6 episode series. Should have been either a ten episode series or two seasons of six, just to flesh it out a bit more. I will admit, it does feel a bit compressed at times.
I think a lot of people have gone into this series hoping to nitpick and moan about it, rather than just enjoying it. Things like logistics. It’s a fantasy TV show not a DPD business plan.

The problem is that the previous seasons (mainly 1-5) really raised the bar. Much in the last episode didn't make sense - it might have if it wasn't rushed.
I think they made a mistake finishing with a 6 episode series. Should have been either a ten episode series or two seasons of six, just to flesh it out a bit more. I will admit, it does feel a bit compressed at times.

It feels rushed, even 8 episodes would have been fine imo. 6 is just not enough, we didn't even get to see the immediate reactions of Sansa and Arya when Jon told them who his mother was. We've been building up to that scene since season one for Bran to tell Jon it's up to him then cut to the next scene... great.
12) Missandei standing there with only her hands loosely shackled directly next to Cersei while knowing she would shortly be killed. Being the brave uberwoman she is surely she could have struck or grabbed Cersei and jumped off the wall?

I was thinking exactly this as the scene was happening, she was standing right there, all Missandei had to do was grab Cersi by putting her arms over her head, grab her and jump off. Done quickly enough no one could've stopped her
I read something the other day that suggested he doesn't have any idea how they're going to be ending things, and that's he's not even happy that it's ending so soon because there was so much that needed to be addressed.

And you're right. Being told to be thankful and that we're childish for criticising the current episodes is rather childish in itself. We should be able to feel annoyed at how things are playing out given how rushed and messy this season has been.

I'm just wondering if they have his notes on the ending and rushing this season with poor execution to that or just simply off on their own tangent with the story and ending. Guess we'll find out soon enough, two weeks to be precise :D

It's just a disservice to everyone involved to be ending things so poorly, from the fans (who pay the bills) to the film crew and the actors. Those of course wouldn't be able to voice any opinions until much further down the line because that wouldn't be good for them as they are all looking to take their careers forward.

I don't have a problem with the stories and how things were suppose to happen this season it's just the poor execution. If the dragon was meant to die from Euron's fleet, that's fine but you could have executed that scene so much better. The battle in Episode 3 could have been handled far better. It's just glossing over so many details, rushing through story arcs, which betrays all the decisions and characters traits displayed in previous seasons.

Fair enough if the show was like this from the start, but it wasn't and that's the sticking point. I've really enjoyed the previous seasons, even S7 for most part and that was criticised. Things they are doing now though are just glaring errors. There is a lot we don't see as fans though and as Martin himself said, I'm sure they easily could have gotten two seasons more after 7 or at least one full season.

Which is strange in a world of television as I'm sure this is a giant cashcow for HBO so who knows what's behind the decision to rush the show with only one season and six episodes at that. Maybe the Disney D&D thing is true and they just told HBO, "take it or leave it" with the 6 episodes, maybe it's something else.

You know next time its on don't watch it if you feel that strongly about it.

Did you come up with this idea on your own, or did someone help you with it? If a show that has previously enjoyed a high standard of writing and production falls below the standard it set, then those who've invested the time and money in reading the books and watching 7 seasons so far should be able to discuss it.

S8E03 was a robbery, for seven seasons we've seen the buildup to the war with the Night King, he was dispatched in a single (extended) episode by a flying child with nothing more than him throwing a spear and catching her all episode. His generals did nothing, it wasn't a great episode and rather than pick over old bones, lets just say it felt cheap - not in budget - in terms of the closure of the arc's.

S8E04 was worse, the timeline jumps and a lot of what was done felt clumsy/badly paced and not as polished, again a lot felt off and much of it seemed rushed with yet more major assets/arc's disposed of cheaply. This is the first episode I haven't watched live, I put it off and it was almost a full 24hrs before I bothered, the acid test is did I end up doing something else such as reaching for my phone part way through, sadly the answer is yes. I'll see the season out in the hope it'll get better.

Perhaps if you don't want to read what others think of an episode, don't read about it next time if you feel that strongly about it :)
When Jamie says “She is hateful, and so am I” and rides off, did you take that as him realising he still loves Cersei and wants to go back to help her, or that he hates her for the things she’s made him do and is off to do something about it.

I took it to mean he has no choice but go to kill Cersi.
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