Poll: Winter Is Coming - HBO's A Game of Thrones [READ WARNING]

Who will rule Westeros?

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While some aspects have taken a nose dive I am just going to blithely ignore the failings and try to enjoy what is left.

I expect that its just become too expensive to properly create more shows now and they just need to wrap it up.
While some aspects have taken a nose dive I am just going to blithely ignore the failings and try to enjoy what is left.

Me too.

For me it's a function of trying to cram too much into a limited time, which is a function of commercial factors / media companies, something I'm going to try my best to overlook.

Regards Jaime's intentions, I agree that he's currently intending to help unseat Cersei, but I think there might be a twist where he has a crisis and decides to help her instead.
I think it’s been great and have enjoyed every moment, apart from Rhaegal dying :(

I think a lot of people have gone into this series hoping to nitpick and moan about it, rather than just enjoying it. Things like logistics. It’s a fantasy TV show not a DPD business plan.

I don't want to pick it apart. I really don't. But this season is nowhere near the same level as previous. The plotting in the others, the battles in the others. The first episode was one big filler of family reunions, the second was a glorified pub crawl, and the big battle was poorly executed.

If previous episodes were the same, sure, I probably wouldn't care. But the big battle in episode 3 was nowhere near the same as the battles in previous episodes (Battle of the ******** was so epic and so well-executed tactically and strategically), so we shouldn't be having to question the lack of tactics because we've seen their capabilities before. But yet, we do, and we should because we expect better from a show that's given that in the past. Why is that wrong?
It was bound to happen really. The attention and creativity that goes into a book like GoT just cannot easily replicated with a couple of medicore TV writers.

The current series so far seems very dumbbed down. I really hope we see some clever stuff in the last 2 episodes.
So I watched the preview video and there's a seen where you have Euron looking towards the sky and you hear Drogon...given the scorpions all over the shot do you reckon we'll see a armoured up Drogon entering the battle this time to negate the threat?

I think it would be amazing if Cersei won but inevitably it looks like we're getting the Mad Queen version of Dany who will no doubt be disposed of by the season's end.
Apparently the last 2 episodes have been leaked online, haven't seen or read them but the reports are that the ending is absolutely terrible. Which before this season I would have scoffed at, but its no mean coincidence that so many are already getting worried about a similar poor ending as has been seen in several other great tv shows.

EDIT : Ok..curiosity got the better of me, my willpower in this is weak. Read a quick bullet point summary (interestingly they got episode 4 spot on) , if this half a dozen or so bullet points are right, then this forum had better be put in a bunker because this thread is going to go nuclear after the finale. Going to be some seriously raging posts.
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It was bound to happen really. The attention and creativity that goes into a book like GoT just cannot easily replicated with a couple of medicore TV writers.

The current series so far seems very dumbbed down. I really hope we see some clever stuff in the last 2 episodes.

I don't know, feels a bit harsh to be calling the same writers that delivered so much good stuff, including stuff nothing to do with the books, early on as mediocre. The dialog has, by and large, been up there. Loved the ep2 stuff around the fire and the Jaime/Brienne bits.

Where they seem to have mistepped is on some of the larger overall story points. Not what's happened but how and that's more a failure of execution than script imo. No problem with the NK getting done in 1 episode - it was basically two episodes in length...
Ep3, the dead finally get in over the walls - story wise no issue, execution wise... well, enough's been said. Could be they have made a mistake in the design of the humungous set with the ditch too close to the walls and had to make do? Who knows, but it was a mistake either way.

Dragon getting hit and killed, again story wise no issue. Two dragons would be OP for "the good guys". Execution wise, while not as jarring as the ep3 tactics could have been handled a little better.

Jon sending ghost off and has his fairwell - no problem story wise, execution...

I think maybe they're hitting the limits of what you can achieve in a short time scale with a limited budget on TV.
Still think the majority of this season, despite these misteps has been fine. Folk are always giving out about GoT during the season and yet always love it when the season is over. We'll see - I hope the pull off the landing.
Dragon getting hit and killed, again story wise no issue. Two dragons would be OP for "the good guys". Execution wise, while not as jarring as the ep3 tactics could have been handled a little better..

Story wise, not a problem. Thing is though, they had the perfect opportunity to kill off the second dragon in the previous episode, we even saw it getting a right battering in that battle. To have it die there would have made sense and logical. To have it die by being shot out of the air by Eurons ACME Flak 88 , whilst the fleet heads to Dragonstone for no apparent reason whatsoever , makes no sense in the slightest.
Story wise, not a problem. Thing is though, they had the perfect opportunity to kill off the second dragon in the previous episode, we even saw it getting a right battering in that battle. To have it die there would have made sense and logical. To have it die by being shot out of the air by Eurons ACME Flak 88 , whilst the fleet heads to Dragonstone for no apparent reason whatsoever , makes no sense in the slightest.

Sort of agree about when the Dragon should have been killed but they had every reason to go Dragonstone, setup a sea blockade of Kings Landing with the Dragons protecting them from the Iron Fleet. No longer an option with the point being made of Rhaegal dying to them.
Story wise, not a problem. Thing is though, they had the perfect opportunity to kill off the second dragon in the previous episode, we even saw it getting a right battering in that battle. To have it die there would have made sense and logical. To have it die by being shot out of the air by Eurons ACME Flak 88 , whilst the fleet heads to Dragonstone for no apparent reason whatsoever , makes no sense in the slightest.

Losing a dragon to a defeated foe, and then losing a trusted friend to a different foe, doesn't have the same impact of losing both of them to the same foe. It basically multiplies the rage Dany can direct at Cersei and no doubt trigger the 'Mad Queen' moment we are expecting.
So I watched the preview video and there's a seen where you have Euron looking towards the sky and you hear Drogon...given the scorpions all over the shot do you reckon we'll see a armoured up Drogon entering the battle this time to negate the threat?

I think it would be amazing if Cersei won but inevitably it looks like we're getting the Mad Queen version of Dany who will no doubt be disposed of by the season's end.
Has to be, some reckon there are more dragons but can't see how this could be. Something dragon related surprises Euron and the former makes more sense.
Apparently the last 2 episodes have been leaked online, haven't seen or read them but the reports are that the ending is absolutely terrible. Which before this season I would have scoffed at, but its no mean coincidence that so many are already getting worried about a similar poor ending as has been seen in several other great tv shows.

EDIT : Ok..curiosity got the better of me, my willpower in this is weak. Read a quick bullet point summary (interestingly they got episode 4 spot on) , if this half a dozen or so bullet points are right, then this forum had better be put in a bunker because this thread is going to go nuclear after the finale. Going to be some seriously raging posts.

It is looking to be pretty spot on so far. I agree with you, the internet will go into meltdown.

So I watched the preview video and there's a seen where you have Euron looking towards the sky and you hear Drogon...given the scorpions all over the shot do you reckon we'll see a armoured up Drogon entering the battle this time to negate the threat?

I think it would be amazing if Cersei won but inevitably it looks like we're getting the Mad Queen version of Dany who will no doubt be disposed of by the season's end.

or they'll just open the entire plot hole back up and have Drogon attack from the rear of the ships or directly above.
So I watched the preview video and there's a seen where you have Euron looking towards the sky and you hear Drogon...given the scorpions all over the shot do you reckon we'll see a armoured up Drogon entering the battle this time to negate the threat?

Maybe they will just use them properly for once ;)

Flank, dive bomb from above, use surrounding terrain, cloud cover, etc

Anyway as for my prediction Danny The Girl is definitely heading towards the "Mad King" legacy I think at this point. We've seen her temperament get the better of her in previous seasons and while she got better later on, from season 7 and last episode in particular I think they've been setting up for her to go a little cray cray.

Varys has all but forsaken her, Jorah is dead and her dragons as well as armies seem hella depleted. As last episode showed she basically has no mates left and she realised that and she will soon find out everyone knows about Jon Snow and she already knows everyone likes him better.

Before the season kicked off I actually voted for Cersei to stay on the throne in true brutal GoT fashion. However, just as Mellisandre gave it away with the NK halfway through episode 3, now that blue eyes is out the way, greens eyes are next on Arya's list.

We do still have the Mountain showdown to look forward to at least but at this point I just care more that Podrick gets a little keep somewhere where he can entertain his numerous wives :D


Apparently the last 2 episodes have been leaked online, haven't seen or read them but the reports are that the ending is absolutely terrible. Which before this season I would have scoffed at, but its no mean coincidence that so many are already getting worried about a similar poor ending as has been seen in several other great tv shows.

EDIT : Ok..curiosity got the better of me, my willpower in this is weak. Read a quick bullet point summary (interestingly they got episode 4 spot on) , if this half a dozen or so bullet points are right, then this forum had better be put in a bunker because this thread is going to go nuclear after the finale. Going to be some seriously raging posts.

I thought they shot several endings to avoid this?
I still think Tyrion will take the throne. Cersei will die, either by Dany the mad queen's hand or Jaime's as hopefully will do the right thing for once and Dany will die in the assault on Cesei. Jon will be left and give up the throne to Tyrion as he never wanted it anyway.

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We do still have the Mountain showdown to look forward to at least but at this point I just care more that Podrick gets a little keep somewhere where he can entertain his numerous wives :D

Clegane Bowl is one of the few things I'm looking forward to and Podrick doesn't need wives when he's got plenty of whores willing to keep him company.
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