Poll: Winter Is Coming - HBO's A Game of Thrones [READ WARNING]

Who will rule Westeros?

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Clegane Bowl is one of the few things I'm looking forward to and Podrick doesn't need wives when he's got plenty of whores willing to keep him company.

Podrick to turn into a good natured pimp who takes care of his hoes at the end of the season?
I enjoyed the episode. I think they played the breakdown in relations between Jon and Dany and between Varys and Dany really really well. Sansa as has been said has learnt her lesson and honour won't save her family or the North against what's going on.

Jamie plainly has made the decision to end Cersei and it has been oft repeated about Cersei's prophecy where her little brother kills her (Jamie is the younger by minutes). He acted so badly toward Brienne is to protect her. If she knew where he was going and what he wantd to do she would stop him. He hurt her because he wanted to protect her.

With regards to the ship battle, I assumed that the majority of the troops had disembarked before Euron showed up. Hence why they still had an army.

I know this series hasn't had much OcUK love but I think it's been doing a nice job of tieing things up and providing great spectacle whilst doing so.
Just reading through this thread after the w/e - yep those scenes were golden. Also ones I like to point out to people who think the writers don't have a clue when not following the books cos none of that stuff happened in those!
Apparently the last 2 episodes have been leaked online, haven't seen or read them but the reports are that the ending is absolutely terrible. Which before this season I would have scoffed at, but its no mean coincidence that so many are already getting worried about a similar poor ending as has been seen in several other great tv shows.

EDIT : Ok..curiosity got the better of me, my willpower in this is weak. Read a quick bullet point summary (interestingly they got episode 4 spot on) , if this half a dozen or so bullet points are right, then this forum had better be put in a bunker because this thread is going to go nuclear after the finale. Going to be some seriously raging posts.

Can you guide me to them please?
He acted so badly toward Brienne is to protect her. If she knew where he was going and what he wantd to do she would stop him. He hurt her because he wanted to protect her.

I agree with you totally on this. Although he might be heading south to try and reason with Cersei for the sake of his unborn child (who I don't think actually exists). Either way, he'll be the one to kill her.
Bulk of the army was walking down from upt nort ;)

Which surely Cersei must know with spies and scouts. Even if she wants to respect the parlay thing, she must have enough men to just destroy them before the bulk of the Northern Army arrives since dragons aren't such a big deal anymore.

This episode is taking a battering on IMDB, 7/10 which I think is the lowest score by a big margin.
Is Ilyn Payne still around? I believe the actor that played him was ill, and they kinda dropped the character as a result. But if Arya is going to KL, it would be nice if she could finish her shopping list.
Is Ilyn Payne still around? I believe the actor that played him was ill, and they kinda dropped the character as a result. But if Arya is going to KL, it would be nice if she could finish her shopping list.

Yep Payne is still alive. Played by Wilko johnson. He managed to survive the cancer apparently, so could possibly return for the end.
They can always replace the actor, been done already.

I know, but I couldn't remember if the character was just forgotten in the show, or actually killed off. He'll be particularly easy to replace, given his lack of a tongue!

Yep Payne is still alive. Played by Wilko johnson. He managed to survive the cancer apparently, so could possibly return for the end.

Ah, good for him!
I still think Tyrion will take the throne. Cersei will die, either by Dany the mad queen's hand or Jaime's as hopefully will do the right thing for once and Dany will die in the assault on Cesei. Jon will be left and give up the thrown to Tyrion as he never wanted it anyway.


I think that's among the most unlikely outcomes TBH.

A popular figure could maybe claim the throne without being in the line of succession. Jon could possibly pull it off, even without the Targaryen revelation. But there's no indication that Tyrion is popular. Respected by his peers, sure. But he's a figure that many are suspicious of. And House Lannister isn't exactly popular.

House Baratheon and House Martell (assuming the Prince of Dorne mentioned in Ep4 is a Martell - I thought they were all dead?) both have strong claims as they have Targaryen lineage. This is why Robert Baratheon succeeded the Mad King; his ancestry gave the rebellion some legitimacy.

Failing that, the next strongest claimant would be a Great Lord without Targaryen lineage. Sansa is the obvious candidate. She already commands around half of Westeros.

If all of those with a better claim were dead, he's still got to somehow convince the many lesser Lords who have been wounded by the actions of House Lannister throughout the events of Game of Thrones that they'd be better backing him for King than Edmure Tully, Robyn Arryn, or any number of lesser Lords. In all likelihood, another civil war would ensue...
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