Poll: Winter Is Coming - HBO's A Game of Thrones [READ WARNING]

Who will rule Westeros?

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To be fair the Ballistas were a plot device way back in season 1 or 2 in the underbelly of Kings Landing with the skulls of the dragons.
Yep, this would be the ultimate in lazy/stupid writing. Rhaegal got a bolt through the chest and the head before falling into the water. There’s no way that dragon should have survived.

Are you a qualified dragon doctor to be making that kind of statement?!
Thinking about it we’ve seen the dragons flying into and out of the sea so chances are they can swim... hmm, now I think you might be onto something!


This review from ozzy man mirrors my feelings. Rather baffling why this episode is getting so much hate.
I really thought it was good!
It’s like people are just looking for reasons to crap on it when really they’re just still upset that last week didn’t go as they’d hoped?!

Dunno but the guy running them can teleport so :shrug:

The teleport thing is a bit of a boring cliche now (and wrong if you actually thought about it). Dragonstone and KL are next to each other, if you can’t accept he can’t get there before the fleet can sail down from the north then meh.
That dragon sound in the EP5 trailer, I bet it's Bran warging into a bunch of dragons, like he did with the ravens as he's now evolved into the 3 eyed dragon, can summon them at will and finally serves a purpose beyond being bait for the lolking and ruining Jon and Dany's happy relationship
It’s like people are just looking for reasons to crap on it when really they’re just still upset that last week didn’t go as they’d hoped?!

It's whats in the latest episodes that's giving fans a reason to crap on it :D Don't give the fans episodes full of reasons and then they can't crap on it, simples!

Plus, everyone's allowed an opinion. It doesn't make it fact for anyone else but they're still allowed one anyway.
So this was the best episode of the season so far, but it was hella dumb.

Why is Jamie all of a sudden evil again?
Dragon lady knew they had the giant spear tech but decides to go casually fly there anyway
Why is sersei supposed to surrender? Is that supposed to be a joke or something? She has an entire castle with defenses and Jon Snow and crew have what 50 men tops?

Honestly the show is proving once again that its best when characters are just interacting with each other in small scenes, they really cant do scale well at all.
So this was the best episode of the season so far, but it was hella dumb.

Why is Jamie all of a sudden evil again?
Dragon lady knew they had the giant spear tech but decides to go casually fly there anyway
Why is sersei supposed to surrender? Is that supposed to be a joke or something? She has an entire castle with defenses and Jon Snow and crew have what 50 men tops?

Honestly the show is proving once again that its best when characters are just interacting with each other in small scenes, they really cant do scale well at all.
Jamie hasn’t gone evil. He wants to kill Cersei imo.
Why is Jamie all of a sudden evil again?

The heat seeking dragon spears is no worse than the machine gun fire in the film saving private Ryan which is seemingly incredibly lethal at the start of the film and then less so as the film progresses. Or is that plot armour of the characters?
So this was the best episode of the season so far, but it was hella dumb.

Why is Jamie all of a sudden evil again?
Dragon lady knew they had the giant spear tech but decides to go casually fly there anyway
Why is sersei supposed to surrender? Is that supposed to be a joke or something? She has an entire castle with defenses and Jon Snow and crew have what 50 men tops?

Honestly the show is proving once again that its best when characters are just interacting with each other in small scenes, they really cant do scale well at all.
I thought it was the worst episode it took an hour for it to get going the whole fanservice Brienne and Jamie thing also that bird that Tormund got was 10 times fitter than Brienne who looks like a bloke.
I thought it was the worst episode it took an hour for it to get going the whole fanservice Brienne and Jamie thing also that bird that Tormund got was 10 times fitter than Brienne who looks like a bloke.

It's not about looks for Tormund, he wants a big strong woman so that their kids will rule the world.
Who will rule Westeros? cant see any of the obvious doing it i think many of them will be killed. including john and the dragon lady. its too obvious and all great series of the past main people die or they do some artsy thing. im just hoping they dont do a certain people are gunna die and them fade to black then music. then leave it open lol. few big series have done this. anyone else think bran the wheelchair guy will end up being bad ?
If you think about it Dany should have never have listened to Tyrion and Varys and just attacked Kings Landing at the start of season 7 she is going to do that now anyway.
If you think about it Dany should have never have listened to Tyrion and Varys and just attacked Kings Landing at the start of season 7 she is going to do that now anyway.

I mean in hindsight yeah, they could have just sent Arya off on a mission to nail the NK anyway.

So the reason Jon didn't give snow a proper good bye was budget by the looks, it's the little things though.
So this was the best episode of the season so far, but it was hella dumb.

Why is Jamie all of a sudden evil again?
Dragon lady knew they had the giant spear tech but decides to go casually fly there anyway
Why is sersei supposed to surrender? Is that supposed to be a joke or something? She has an entire castle with defenses and Jon Snow and crew have what 50 men tops?

Honestly the show is proving once again that its best when characters are just interacting with each other in small scenes, they really cant do scale well at all.

Even if Jaime was going back to be with Cersei it doesn’t make him Euron scene chewing moustache twirling evil (tm). But somehow I don’t think that’s the reason he’s going back...

Dany knew of the smaller ones that can hurt but not a serious threat to her Dragons.

Jon and the actual army are not there! They’re marching south. That was a parley that happened before medieval battles. Like Jon and Sansa going to see Ramsey or the Stannis brothers meeting in season 2.
If you think about it Dany should have never have listened to Tyrion and Varys and just attacked Kings Landing at the start of season 7 she is going to do that now anyway.

Yup and she would have all of her forces and KL would have no defences. She made a big mistake trusting Tyrion and Varys. Defending the north has gained her nothing.
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