Poll: Winter Is Coming - HBO's A Game of Thrones [READ WARNING]

Who will rule Westeros?

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There is a dark shadowy figure in the shot of the Golden Company marching, looks a little too tall for Arya but someone has definitely infiltrated the King's Landing. Most likely it's Jaime?

Possibly Brienne of Tarth going after her first love Jaime?

Or how about that faceless man assassin dude (Jaqen H'gha apparently). Not sure if he might crop up again for some reason.
Suppose it's possible, my memory is a little hazy on how the Faceless thing was wrapped up. I'm sure there must be a theory online about him but I'm giving up on theories at this point as they all sound a little too clever for this season.
Re: Euron looking to the sky concerned. It has to be an armoured Drogon, right? But then part of me thinks, they had Cersei ask Euron if he was sure the dragon he shot down was dead. And he replies something like, "Well I watched it fall into the sea". And because I've lost all faith in the writers, part of me thinks Rhaegal is still, stupidly, alive. It would be ridiculously stupid... But is it too stupid for D&D? Yes, get a hold of yourself man. They won't do that!

Oh, and I think the cloaked figure walking through the Golden Company shot is Jaime. He wore something similar on arriving to and departing from Winterfell.

Best summary :D

Perfect. I love it.

Why have we waited so long for this series again? They hyped up everyone's expectations and served us garbage.

Meh, I'm not enthusiastic about this spin-off series now if this woeful writing is the standard to expect.
And let's be honest, they won't have the notes from GRRM, or the big budget GoT had. I fear a train wreck.

Fire & Blood has potential, as there is at least a framework for the show. The book reads like it was written with TV in mind TBH.

Unfortunately, Dunk & Egg is off the table as GRRM wants to finish the "10 or 11" novellas he's planned first. So that's 3(?) more ASOIAF novels, Fire & Blood Part 2, and another 7 or 8 D&E books, plus no doubt some stuff he hasn't talked about, from a chap who is already 70 and refers to himself as a slow writer? :D Yeah, most of that isn't getting finished, even if he lives to 100.
Fire & Blood has potential, as there is at least a framework for the show. The book reads like it was written with TV in mind TBH.

Unfortunately, Dunk & Egg is off the table as GRRM wants to finish the "10 or 11" novellas he's planned first. So that's 3(?) more ASOIAF novels, Fire & Blood Part 2, and another 7 or 8 D&E books, plus no doubt some stuff he hasn't talked about, from a chap who is already 70 and refers to himself as a slow writer? :D Yeah, most of that isn't getting finished, even if he lives to 100.

Yeah, unless he's the ******* Night King and intends on living for 8000 years, we're not seeing most of that! :D

Haven't read Fire & Blood yet. Might pick it up for the holidays.
Just saw this week's ep.

Why did Tyrion survive if she promised she'd kill him if she ever saw him? How did Tyrion/Varys survive the boats when hundreds of elite soldiers didn't? Why didn't Missnobodycaresdei just throw her arms round Cersei and pull her off the wall?

Such a shame. Such a shame.
Re: Euron looking to the sky concerned. It has to be an armoured Drogon, right? But then part of me thinks, they had Cersei ask Euron if he was sure the dragon he shot down was dead. And he replies something like, "Well I watched it fall into the sea". And because I've lost all faith in the writers, part of me thinks Rhaegal is still, stupidly, alive. It would be ridiculously stupid... But is it too stupid for D&D? Yes, get a hold of yourself man. They won't do that!

Yep, this would be the ultimate in lazy/stupid writing. Rhaegal got a bolt through the chest and the head before falling into the water. There’s no way that dragon should have survived.
Just saw this week's ep.

Why did Tyrion survive if she promised she'd kill him if she ever saw him? How did Tyrion/Varys survive the boats when hundreds of elite soldiers didn't? Why didn't Missnobodycaresdei just throw her arms round Cersei and pull her off the wall?

Such a shame. Such a shame.

How were the ballistas so powerful they could go all the way through the ships and destroy them. Literally more powerful than cannon balls.
Just saw this week's ep.

Why did Tyrion survive if she promised she'd kill him if she ever saw him? How did Tyrion/Varys survive the boats when hundreds of elite soldiers didn't? Why didn't Missnobodycaresdei just throw her arms round Cersei and pull her off the wall?

Such a shame. Such a shame.

Pretty sure every one of Dany's party would have been slaughtered had Miswhatever tried that, successful or not.

Would Cersei's death even achieve anything? No doubt Euron would, at least temporarily, seize power.

To me, the odd bit remains that Cersei didn't just kill all of them. I can't see any downside for her. So "plot armour" seems the only plausible explanation.
How were the ballistas so powerful they could go all the way through the ships and destroy them. Literally more powerful than cannon balls.

It is super lame that dragons have been hyped up the entire run of the show....then they get neutered into irrelevance because someone decides to make a big crossbow.

Plus Jamie's scene with Brienne was awful...the only saving might be if Jamie is talking BS and intends to go back and kill Cersei himself...but that would be equally awful. Brienne deserved better than that blubbing too...
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