Poll: Winter Is Coming - HBO's A Game of Thrones [READ WARNING]

Who will rule Westeros?

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Looked at the (unofficial) spoilers on Reddit for Ep5 and Ep6 and none of them particularly satisfying.

Tongue firmly in cheek, maybe they'll go for the Merlin (BBC) ending and cut to modern day with Bran in his wheelchair beside a dual carriageway outside Kings Landing with artic lorries running past, while Jon and Dany arguing into their mobile phones!

After all, according to the now viral news, at the post battle feast someone had clearly sent out for a Starbucks or similar coffee as the plastic cup was on the table. Hopefully Winterfell has a plastic recycling bin... :)
I mean in hindsight yeah, they could have just sent Arya off on a mission to nail the NK anyway.

So the reason Jon didn't give snow a proper good bye was budget by the looks, it's the little things though.

Well I can understand that, Game of Thrones has a tight budget to work with.
Yup and she would have all of her forces and KL would have no defences. She made a big mistake trusting Tyrion and Varys. Defending the north has gained her nothing.

Aside from the fact that an enormous undead army needed to be defeated at all costs first? She might not have personally gained anything, but it had to be done that way first otherwise taking King's Landing would have been for nothing.
Still wonder if varys has managed spymaster excellence once more and turned the golden company prior to their arrival.
They have mentioned them many times now.

I'll spoiler a book theory, just a theory not fact but just in case :p

book theory is that the golden company leader is a distant Targaryen cousin (forget how but it's apparent in some comments in the book from what ive been told) and that with Varys stated aims to get the throne for a Targaryen that they have secretly been on his side since day one. The only reason they haven't been used prior is, again the books but not really referenced in the series, that mercenaries are hated in the seven kingdoms and anyone who used them would be ostracised by the other noble houses.
For anyone who's watched the next episode teaser...

Who was the "hooded figure" marching behind the Golden Company through the gates of Kings Landing?
He’s pretty sure she’s gonna die, and probably still loves her to the point where he doesn’t want her to suffer a horrible death by dragon fire or the like and doesn’t want anyone else taking pleasure in killing her, so he’s gonna try and get there first to do it humanely as possible. That’s just what I think anyway.
For anyone who's watched the next episode teaser...

Who was the "hooded figure" marching behind the Golden Company through the gates of Kings Landing?

I think it's

Jaime. He wore the same type of hooded cloak up norf.

Looks like they're after passing through the GC, headed in the opposite direction to them.
I thought it was the worst episode it took an hour for it to get going the whole fanservice Brienne and Jamie thing also that bird that Tormund got was 10 times fitter than Brienne who looks like a bloke.
I also lol'd at the randomness of three young fit girls appearing from nowhere for an easy shag. It is all so forced now.

This is all going down hill rapidly Star Wars style.....sob.
Yeah, there are certainly parallels...

Vikings was also imo amazing in Seasons 1-3 and some of 4 before it went to utter ****.
Aside from the fact that an enormous undead army needed to be defeated at all costs first? She might not have personally gained anything, but it had to be done that way first otherwise taking King's Landing would have been for nothing.

KL would have been quick. She could then have sent her forces north.
If I'm honest I never cared who takes the throne as long as the story was done well but at this point it's almost guaranteed to feel forced like last two episodes.

I did think the point of the show was the horrible and cyclical nature of humanity and how whoever gets the throne will do as at a terrible cost. Either have a scenario where there's nothing left to rule or they see themselves changed into something horrible. Then as kings/queens come and go we see Varys smiling in the background as credits roll or something to that effect :D

Hell maybe Cersei will go scorched earth and Wildfire King's Landing as she lays there dying.
This review from ozzy man mirrors my feelings. Rather baffling why this episode is getting so much hate.
I really thought it was good!
It’s like people are just looking for reasons to crap on it when really they’re just still upset that last week didn’t go as they’d hoped?.
Some people just have awful critical judgement. People who think this episode or Season 8 in general is "really good" are a prime example of this.
Some people just have awful critical judgement. People who think this episode or Season 8 in general is "really good" are a prime example of this.

In the same way people who think it was the worst hour of TV ever really need to get a sense of perspective. Sure we're not at heights of series 4, I think anybody would agree that, and there have been some glaring missteps, but it is still fundamentally a very good show that is better than 90% of other programs.
Or there is a bit of balance, able to almost ignore some of the terribad bits and enjoy the good bits. Because there were plenty of good bits despite the huge flaws.
In the same way people who think it was the worst hour of TV ever really need to get a sense of perspective. Sure we're not at heights of series 4, I think anybody would agree that, and there have been some glaring missteps, but it is still fundamentally a very good show that is better than 90% of other programs.
Purely in the context of GOT and the seasons up to now, it was the worst hour of TV in GOT history. Otherwise, I don't think anyone with half a brain would say it is the worst hour of TV in the history of mankind.
Oh also to add to the Why is Tyrion Alive argument. Cersei sent Bronn to kill him then 5 minutes later Tyrion is standing in front of Cersei all alive and she STILL doesnt do anything about it.
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