She could have melted the castle with just Cersei and her defenseless posse in it and spared anyone else from dying when she first landed in Westeros at her full strength, but she was talked out of it by Tyrion. Would the common people rally to the Red Keep to defend a new Queen that had just blown up a whole district? Along with their beloved Queen Margaery?
Tyrion also talked her into trying to ally with Cersei against the Night King and that cost her Viserion
Tyrion also gave her terrible advice and caused her to lose High Garden, Dorne and the Iron Islands is one fell swoop. Powerfull allies and resources, gone.
Not attacking Cersei outright gave her time to prepare for Dragon attacks and build her strength.
And now he is damning her once again by spreading the rumor of Jon's parentage.
She's ONLY in this position of having to resort to violence because she went out of her way to fulfill her promises to the North. Lost most of her army, and loved ones. And Sansa and co. STILL don't trust her. And Varys thinks her unreasonable.
And even AFTER Cersei killed yet another of her dragons she STILL was willing to offer her a chance to surrender.
Now she's a bad person for being forced to fight fire with fire?! She's literally been trying the diplomatic way all along, listening to her advisors, and lost everything because of it.
Listening to her advisors got her where she is right now, and even they are blaming her and scheming against her for being furious, rather than taking a look at their own incompetence.
This is a good point. Given that losing a dragon to the NK was ultimately what expedited the fall of the wall, Danny would surely have had time to take KL, regroup and then head north to defend WF, potentially with a stronger force…
Don't you think its daft that Dany is holding back because of civilian casualties throughout human history has an army ever held back because of that can you imagine the soviets at the battle of Berlin holding back because they are worried about what the Germans will think of them after the wars over.
This is less of a good point. Throughout the story, we have seen how Danny wants to be a caring and compassionate ruler — even in the last episode she railed against tyrants. Not decimating KL is consistent with her character.
Did Stalin yearn for the love and affection of the German people? Was he going to move his seat of power to Berlin? Was WW2 fictional?
Quite. The people of KL hadn’t killed, raped and pillaged their way across her homeland either. Ok, the Lannisters killed her father and tried to kill her and her brother, but that wasn’t ‘the people’. To all intents and purposes, the people of KL are Danny’s people. It’s not the same thing at all.