Poll: Winter Is Coming - HBO's A Game of Thrones [READ WARNING]

Who will rule Westeros?

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As bad a she is I don't think Tyrion is up for killing his sister. Doing so would have totally turned Jaime against him too and he really doesn't want to off his brother too!
As bad a she is I don't think Tyrion is up for killing his sister. Doing so would have totally turned Jaime against him too and he really doesn't want to off his brother too!
Then he's a terrible advisor for a conqueror and the fact she's kept him around for so long makes everyone look like fools. He killed his father, Cersei had tried to kill him twice at that point and had blown up half the city, I really don't think Tyrion is that soft as to not want his sister dead. You're right about Jaime but even he was starting to come around to his sister being mental at that point, I think he could actually be reasoned with.
Then he's a terrible advisor for a conqueror...

Yup, been played like a fiddle by Jaime for the Casterly Rock/High Garden switcharoo (although he wouldn't have known the Lannister gold mines are dry).
He's too good a person for it.

I think the one character the show has neutered (pun intended) has been Varys. For a spymaster he's missed pretty much everything. Only hope for his redemption is getting them into Kings Landing or having some ace up the sleeve for later. If he doesn't get beheaded for treason first.
Because it was incredibly evident that she wasn't going to help anyway? As you've literally just said she's become increasingly callous. Tyrion from seasons 1-4 would have known that so why is he such a complete moron all of a sudden.
It can’t have been that obvious since every man and his dog (lol - da hound) went off to meet Cersei at great risk at that meeting. I don’t know how you could say it was ‘obvious’ she wouldn’t help without the benefit of hindsight. Anything could have happened.
I think the one character the show has neutered (pun intended) has been Varys. For a spymaster he's missed pretty much everything. Only hope for his redemption is getting them into Kings Landing or having some ace up the sleeve for later. If he doesn't get beheaded for treason first.

Im surprised anyone hasn't killed him off yet - for such a major character he has been pretty invisible recently (come to think of it Sandae was pretty invisible for most of this series before her dive
It can’t have been that obvious since every man and his dog (lol - da hound) went off to meet Cersei at great risk at that meeting. I don’t know how you could say it was ‘obvious’ she wouldn’t help without the benefit of hindsight. Anything could have happened.
Hence why the whole expedition was criticised by a lot of people last season because the idea was moronic from start to finish. You don't need hindsight to know she was going to betray them.
This makes no sense to me what so ever.

look at the castle ramparts when Sandae gets executed - even without those massive crossbows that the dragons have to avoid, those walls are pretty inpenetrable via any reasonable means - I don't think Danny would have come out of any fight with even 25% of her force she went down there with.....and highly doubt the army would have got that much bigger (and thinking that any already weary, and probably highly depleated) army would have defeated the NK is pure fantasy. Look at how large Dany's army was outside Winterfell.....and after the NK was defeated it was down to what 10% of that at best?

Even IF Winterfell still existed had Danny gone south first

My thinking is; three dragons would have made pretty short work of the Red Keep - Danny’s forces wouldn’t have had to mount a full-scale assault on the walls so wouldn’t have sustained massive losses and, without an ice-dragon, the NK’s advance south would have been much slower, giving Danny time to take KL and then head north.

Based on E4, the battle with the NK wasn’t as devastating to Danny’s forces as it appeared in E3. Didn’t Greyworm say they still had half the Dothraki and Unsullied? Not sure where you got 10% from. Also she could well have still had three dragons to face the NK…
Because nothing says I love you mom better than an image of a virtual sociopath who enjoys incest and a crazy dragonlady

Why not? They may be flawed, but all mothers are, one that’s willing to do anything to protect you is, I’d hazard, pretty good.

The issue comes about when the ‘protection’ is overbearing, which has claimed all of Cersei’s children. Honestly it’s a more of a warning really.
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