Poll: Winter Is Coming - HBO's A Game of Thrones [READ WARNING]

Who will rule Westeros?

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Don't you think they have made Arya too powerful now I mean she is almost a Mary sue at this point why does that character deserve to get all the best kills Walder Frey the Night king if she kills Cersei it will be too much for me.
So this was the best episode of the season so far, but it was hella dumb.

Why is Jamie all of a sudden evil again?
Dragon lady knew they had the giant spear tech but decides to go casually fly there anyway
Why is sersei supposed to surrender? Is that supposed to be a joke or something? She has an entire castle with defenses and Jon Snow and crew have what 50 men tops?

Honestly the show is proving once again that its best when characters are just interacting with each other in small scenes, they really cant do scale well at all.
Its stupid writing also when Dany was outside Kings Landing why did she not just send the golden company out to kill them all I know its a parley but does Cersei strike you as the kind of person to respect it if she sees an opportunity she normally takes it that's her character.
Don't you think they have made Arya too powerful now I mean she is almost a Mary sue at this point why does that character deserve to get all the best kills Walder Frey the Night king if she kills Cersei it will be too much for me.

She's not really a Mary Sue. She's trained (for a significant amount of time in the books) to become an assassin and a Faceless Man. Arya has earned her abilities, and it's not a surprise or a convenient plot point that she can do what she's been trained to do.

A true Mary Sue is at the centre of everything, and can do incredible things without having any kind of training or learned abilities.
About the Jamie scene - it's obvious to me that he has changed and he's either going back to kill her, or he's going back because he thinks he still wants to be with Cersei but when he gets there he'll realise he's making a mistake and will turn back.

Given she's told the Euron the child's his, and Jamie has hated him since day 1, I think he's going to go after the Euron first and foremost when he finds out or vice versa.
  • Daenerys captures Jaime and executes Varys before assaulting and easily taking King’s Landing. Tyrion begs for mercy for Varys, and when he’s ignored, he frees Jaime.
  • The Unsullied and Daenerys commit a bunch of war crimes in the capital, alienating Jon and Tyrion. Tyrion is also arrested by Daenerys and scheduled to be executed for freeing Jaime. There’s some disagreement on exactly what the mechanics are, but a trial might take place in the Dragonpit.
  • The Clegane brothers finally fight each other and they both die.
  • Jaime fights and kills Euron, but he sustains mortal wounds in the fight. He dies alongside Cersei by dragon fire.
  • Tyrion tries to convince Jon to turn against Daenerys. Jon confronts Daenerys about her sacking of King’s Landing, and when she justifies what she did, Jon kills her.

The reddit source for these leaks have been pretty spot on so far.
But they have filmed different endings apparently, so they could now change it because these are out in the open.
Don't you think they have made Arya too powerful now I mean she is almost a Mary sue at this point why does that character deserve to get all the best kills Walder Frey the Night king if she kills Cersei it will be too much for me.
No way. Arya has been striving to be awesome since series 1. We had a whole series of her training to be super duper.

Mary Sue has become such an overused buzzword, cropping up everywhere at the moment. Arya is deffo not a Mary Sue.

I suspect she will not kill Cersei as it would feel a bit ‘unbalanced’ plot wise, so to that extent I’ll agree with you.
Given she's told the Euron the child's his, and Jamie has hated him since day 1, I think he's going to go after the Euron first and foremost when he finds out or vice versa.
Worth remembering that she told Jamie about the baby before he left for Winterfell, which I assume with the travelling and time spent away was at least 3 months ago.

Either she’s got the baby in a slow cooker or she’s lying ;)
I thought future spoilers weren't allowed?
It’s my understanding that these are fine, so long as it’s in spoiler tags and the source of the spoiler is mentioned.

Unless I’m missing a specific rule that’s not in the OP?
Its stupid writing also when Dany was outside Kings Landing why did she not just send the golden company out to kill them all I know its a parley but does Cersei strike you as the kind of person to respect it if she sees an opportunity she normally takes it that's her character.

No. The whole "yeh but no one will trust her again" excuse is bull.

She and those affiliated with her have done far more henious and totally untrustworthy stuff in the past.

If the writing was actually any good, Dany and Tyrion wouldn't be anywhere near that wall with so few troops.
She could have melted the castle with just Cersei and her defenseless posse in it and spared anyone else from dying when she first landed in Westeros at her full strength, but she was talked out of it by Tyrion. Would the common people rally to the Red Keep to defend a new Queen that had just blown up a whole district? Along with their beloved Queen Margaery?

Tyrion also talked her into trying to ally with Cersei against the Night King and that cost her Viserion

Tyrion also gave her terrible advice and caused her to lose High Garden, Dorne and the Iron Islands is one fell swoop. Powerfull allies and resources, gone.

Not attacking Cersei outright gave her time to prepare for Dragon attacks and build her strength.

And now he is damning her once again by spreading the rumor of Jon's parentage.

She's ONLY in this position of having to resort to violence because she went out of her way to fulfill her promises to the North. Lost most of her army, and loved ones. And Sansa and co. STILL don't trust her. And Varys thinks her unreasonable.

And even AFTER Cersei killed yet another of her dragons she STILL was willing to offer her a chance to surrender.

Now she's a bad person for being forced to fight fire with fire?! She's literally been trying the diplomatic way all along, listening to her advisors, and lost everything because of it.

Listening to her advisors got her where she is right now, and even they are blaming her and scheming against her for being furious, rather than taking a look at their own incompetence.
The thing with that scene is that it was so easy to do it better.

Have one of Danys scout ships or Dany herself spot the Iron Fleet closing to engage. All the giant crossbows are covered up with tarps.

Dany decides to engage to safeguard her flat while they disermbark.

First pass gos as planned, burning iron men, sorted.

They're circling around for a second pass, triumphant music playing... giant crossbows out of nowhere, whole salvo of them, most miss, couple nail Rhaegal and dead dragon. Shock value 80% intact.

Dany attempts to go for another pass, another salvo heads her away, she has to break off, resume the destruction of a portion of Dany's fleet, some of whom had closed to engage.

This gets over the "surprise fleet" issue, and the laughable 100% accuracy of the first 3 bolts.

Yep, that would have been a far more believable way to have it go.

It really makes you think how these writers get to where they are. This season has just been completely amateur.

It's like it was written by an average gcse student.
Well i tell you what they got Winterfell tidied up pretty ****** quick. I think if i was Jon id of ****** off over the wall for abit of peace and quiet. The game of thrones is getting tiresome for me now. Id of paid to see the night king and the dead get down to kings landing and tear Cersai apart. That short hair cut has made her even more smug and unbearable.
Don't you think its daft that Dany is holding back because of civilian casualties throughout human history has an army ever held back because of that can you imagine the soviets at the battle of Berlin holding back because they are worried about what the Germans will think of them after the wars over.
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