Witcher 3

I normally do save often but the time I get an issue is when I have forgotten to save. No big problem just need to re-do some again and hope she is not jumping like mad this time.
Use two save slots.
Alternate the two every save.
Save regularly.
That would never work - even using all 10 wouldnt guarantee fixing all problems. For example my issue revolves around doing everything in Wild Orchard before the main quest and finding part of that was failed purely because I went around White Orchard.
Basically if you visit the Griffin nest before the main quest expects you to, you fail that automatically when you return
Its a known issue - hopefully get fixed retrospectively

ps3ud0 :cool:
Not managed to get into this yet, nothing to do with the game really, just time and stuff. I have no idea what half the items I have are, if it says Master I presume it's higher quality than a common version with better stats etc?
I haven't started playing the Witcher 3 yet, I had planned to start tonight after I finished GTA but with Batman out next week I think I'll play that first as the Witcher 3 will take ages to finish, not decided yet though.

Anyway, seeing as a lot of you have been playing for a while, have you got any tips for starting off?
Nope its pretty much (with Bloodborne) my GOTY - with being used to so much generic, shallow AAA games, Witcher 3 gives me faith in western RPGs again. Really feels like CDPR loved making this, it really shows...

Its not perfect at all and things Id like improved, but my god I wake up thinking about sometimes. Im taking me time with this, dont want it to end.

Improvements (outside of the graphics/technical):
Better need for materials - inventory needs a massive overhaul
Right now you can pretty much ignore crafting
I think combat could have a bit more depth - needs changing up as fighting a boss is a too much of a surprising challenge compared to normal stuff (basically normal combat doesnt prepare you well)
Quest design is damn good, but rarely you fail bits for no reason it seems
Personally Id prefer if Velen was smaller so its a better step change between White Orchard and Novigrad

ps3ud0 :cool:
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This game is so good, not even scratched the surface of building weapons/armour yet as I am too skint to even break down all the junk I have lol.

The depth of what is available is fantastic, still only just made level 6 and did the Wandering in the Dark quest.
People have gone quiet about this...worth bothering with now the new game syndrome has worn off?

Yes - again, yes!!

One of the most engrossing (and HUGE) games I've played, there's just so much to see and do.

Spent ages last night trying to kill the lvl 26 ArchGriffin (for contract and master armourers q's)... Best I managed was just over 2/3rds his health. Try again tonight!!
I have done all the main quests in Velen/Novigrad now, just racing round checking off all the questions marks now, I am as the point in the man story where
i have gathered all the allies for the attack on Kaer Mohren so now have to head to Skellige
Trying to level up and get some decent armour, currently level 29. This is game is just so good.
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