Witcher 3

People have gone quiet about this...worth bothering with now the new game syndrome has worn off?

Its an amazing game, Still going around clearing up ? on the map, and doing Secondary missions and Witcher contracts, Think i left some too late though as I'm way over levelled for some and get 5xp for doing them.
I think I'm just about at the end of the main quest. Once finished can I go back and do the other missions ? When I went over to the shivering isle I had a lot of failed missions come up.
I think I'm just about at the end of the main quest. Once finished can I go back and do the other missions ? When I went over to the shivering isle I had a lot of failed missions come up.

Yes, you can. One or 2 additional missions also appear but I haven't had a chance to look at them yet.

Guys, is there a way to get to Kaern Morhen before the story takes you back there? I want to get the wolf armour bits but I've not got any waypoints obviously. Sad Panda.

Not as far as I know. I was hoping wolf would be a light set but as its medium I don't think I will bother with it.

I completed the game on death march difficulty a few days back and as with all games on higher difficulties it seems to get easier and easier as you get further in so for anyone who wishes to start of hardest difficulty on their first play through I say stick with it. I'm still missing a few trophies but i'm not sure whether I can be bothered to finish up the few remaining ones. It seems i'm also missing a few gwent cards, hopefully I didn't miss out on any of the permanently missable ones. Gwent was a good mini game but I found I didn't really use any of the other factions. By the time my monster deck was as strong as my northern kingdoms deck I had already beaten everyone of consequence.
Ok cheers. I get good enough stamina regeneration with a medium set. I'd consider light but I'm not wearing a sleeveless village people's top.

Get the Feline armour and upgrade it to Enhanced or superior and you will have sleeves, Superior requires being level 26.

I have 18 ? left to unlock on Velen area, then the Skellige isles lot, and i can continue on a bit more with the Final preparations mission then.

Images here of all the stages of armour, http://gaminggix.com/the-witcher-3/witcher-armor-set-looks-visual-comparison-on-each-tier/ Did not realise you can get master crafted armour also, will have to look that up.
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I finished this on Saturday. Was such a good game, I really enjoyed spending so much time with it. Still a load of side quests to do, but as most of them are so far below my level (32), I'll barely get any XP for them so I don't really have the urge to do them. I think I'll leave the game on the shelf for now, and pick it up again when the big expansions come later this year.

Finished perfectly in time for Batman as well :D
Dragon Age was a pile of overhyped ******** tbh. I still haven't finished it.

The Witcher is essentially what Dragon Age claimed to be.
I enjoyed Dragon Age but I honestly don't see myself going back to it, even with DLC. I could easily see myself going back to Witcher again though, it was just so fun to play. The only downside is that you don't have too many ways you can alter the way combat goes. It's not like Skyrim where you can be a Mage, or an Archer, Geralt is fairly set in how combat goes. That's the only thing I wish I could change.
Finally beat the ArchGriffin - went off and leveled from 19 to 21, then I respecced with all my points in spells. First fight and it was a piece of cake.

Now I've just bedded Yen, again, and off gathering comrades for the big fight.
I spent a bit of time building up my Gwent decks, though they still aren't that great, and going round completing all the grey side quests I'd left. No xp (or very little) but who cares, the game is just so much fun to play.
I might sell it off too. Not really put much time into it but it's just not really gelling with me. I never managed to put much time into the first two either, guess I just hoped this would be different.
How much time have you put into it?

I'm about 60-70 hours in I think and whilst the initial 'I can't put this down' has gone, I'm still thoroughly enjoying it. I think I'm quite early in the story too, maybe about a third to half way through.

I enjoyed Dragon Age, but Witcher 3 is a hell of a lot better in my opinion.
About 80 hours possibly a lot more, how do I check? or so White Orchard/Velen/Novigrad is all complete, in Skellige and am at the end of the main story now. I think it is just repetition, go here, kill this, follow that is wearing thin. It is definitely a much better game then Dragon Age though!
About 80 hours possibly a lot more, how do I check? or so White Orchard/Velen/Novigrad is all complete, in Skellige and am at the end of the main story now. I think it is just repetition, go here, kill this, follow that is wearing thin. It is definitely a much better game then Dragon Age though!

When in the menu press R3 and it should show your stats, mine are incorrect though as i use the Resume function so it says i have something like 14 days played, when it's nothing that extreme.
I am feeling the same, the game is great, but the main story really does dwindle away towards the end, i am just skipping cutscenes now and just grinding to the end.

Not so much the story, I just think the game play is flawed. Combat is a little dull, looting is pointless(other than for grinding money), quest levels are all over the place, crafting is terrible, inventory(components) is a mess, "points of interest" are extremely uninteresting, there are next to no dungeons.

Good game just too flawed to be a classic. :)
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