Witcher 3


I'm level 9 and currently in Velen, I still have pretty rubbish armour of sorts I picked up in White Orchard.
Im advancing my fast attack and general attack attributes so what armour is best?

Think I read cat armour but that's a higher level currently so would griffin armour be a good choice for now? If so I just need to find it.


Cat armour would be the best as you're focusing on light attacks. Its best to specialise in either fast or heavy attacks and if you go for one or the other you will want to get the perk related to fast/heavy attacks in the general tree but doing this pretty much forces you to use a certain armour type. The cat armour quest does require you to kill a hardened enemy iirc but as long as you can parry well it will be a cakewalk for you.

The witcher armour sets look different as you upgrade them, so if the lower tier appearance isn't to your liking its not the end of the world.
Any good tips or guides on combat, im finding it super clunky and frankly making a chore to play. Not sure if it's just because everything appears to be 3 or more levels above hah
Get good :p

Ive found dodge is far more useful than parry or roll (Ive only ever used counterattack with shielded human-like enemies and roll for bosses or to run away to get some health back) - try and isolate an enemy at a time and learn what oils/signs/bombs they are weak to. I rarely use heavy attack and usually have two swings of normal before I attempt to dodge. Most enemies highly telegraph their attack so its pretty easy. Just dont underestimate anything even if its a fair few levels lower than you - surprisingly easy to die when not paying attention

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Well just finished the main story line. What a game. Finished it at Level 33 but still plenty more to see and do. If I get round to it. Stunning game, great fun and shame it is over. Put about 35 hours in to it in total so far. Might give it a break for now tho. Best game I have played on, on the PS4 I believe.
Cat armour would be the best as you're focusing on light attacks. Its best to specialise in either fast or heavy attacks and if you go for one or the other you will want to get the perk related to fast/heavy attacks in the general tree but doing this pretty much forces you to use a certain armour type. The cat armour quest does require you to kill a hardened enemy iirc but as long as you can parry well it will be a cakewalk for you.

The witcher armour sets look different as you upgrade them, so if the lower tier appearance isn't to your liking its not the end of the world.

He's too low level for the cat armour thought isnt he? I have just got all the griffin armour / weapons and that quest line was level 10?
I'm nearing the very end of Act 2 now, and I've still got a boatload of side quests and Witcher contracts to do. There is so much to do, but I genuinely don't want the game to end. This is easily one of my favourite RPGs of recent years, possibly ever. Such a great game.
Ahh fantastic, only a few hours in over the weekend… and it’s exactly what the doctor ordered. I just can’t seem to play any other game type than RPGs any more. I played W2 a little, but didn’t get on with it all too well, as I much prefer big open world games.
Just started doing a mission as Siri and she just keeps jumping constantly. I have tried saving and reloading but still the same she seems to be stuck in a jump loop which means the mission cannot be completed.

To say I'm slightly annoyed is an understatement.....:mad:
I was aware theres some (rare?) annoying quest bugs where if you happen to free roam to an area a quest uses it bugs out when you retrace your steps as part of the quest itself and doesnt reward you XP for that part of the quest.

What Moogleys got though really sucks - Ive started to be a bit more careful how I save so at least I might be able to rollback but you just dont know when its gonna happen and the effort involved getting back to it from an old save.

ps3ud0 :cool:
Not entirely related, but PS4 remote play works great for me at the moment, particularly with this game. Lay an hour in bed last night with the phone clipped on to my remote. Just went exploring, which was great fun :)
Use two save slots.
Alternate the two every save.
Save regularly.
Use 2? I use all 10 manual slots, saving every 10-15 minutes (always over the oldest first), so I never lose too much if I do something stupid, or cause another quest to fail by accident. I've done that a couple of times and been able to reload an older save and sort it out.
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