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Is he ever actually right about anything? He only ever seems to make a one line comment, usually calling people racists, bigots or gammons in the process but without any facts to back it up. Literally the dregs of forum posting.
Is he ever actually right about anything? He only ever seems to make a one line comment, usually calling people racists, bigots or gammons in the process but without any facts to back it up. Literally the dregs of forum posting.

That's the standard for many SC these days though.
Stats are broken down very well here. In the US its around 1000 per year, half of which are white, a quarter of which are black.


Wouldn't the argument against that be that if the 'black movement' against police brutality is successful and the police get reformed then it benefits all races?

You can reform the police all you want, but if the root issues aren't dealt with then you'll simply get a police force that has a bark but no bite - just in case it bites the "wrong" person. That said, of course, if there's a reform that addresses police brutality and puts in place better reporting of brutality, escalation, legal support, effective deterrents and punishments etc then that's a positive...but there's a risk that because there's a focus on a particular group that other groups get overlooked, maybe?

Police brutality exists, no getting away from that, whether here or elsewhere (though I'd say it's far less prevalent here).
The sort of racism that sees Indians stopped at 5/6 the rate of whites and Chinese people at 1/3 of the rate for white people in the UK, on a per capita basis.


Similiar stats exist in the UK and US for arrests, incarceration and police involved deaths.

You are being lied to by some very sinister and committed people.

What do you mean by that? My point was that it's not racism across the board.
How is it a slap in the face to white people? Does the BLM stand for Only Black Lives Matter? No it doesn't. And anyway the players aren't kneeling for that. They are doing it to raise awareness of racism and take a stand against it. Its just an extension of Kick it Out. Its got huge attention so its clearly raised awareness.

I wasn't focusing on BLM as such but they could have then just made it simpler and called themselves All Lives Matter, but Black Lives Matter is pretty specific wouldn't you agree? Their own website states the following about their movement:

#BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Inc. is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives.


No one can actually read that and think nope, it's for everyone.

On the slap remark, I shouldn't have mentioned white people. I should have said non-black victims of police brutality. I do think it's important to raise awareness because it's certainly an issue that needs to be dealt with, but I think organisations like BLM will end up having negative long term consequences with their approach and the actions of their 'supposed' supporters.
How is it a slap in the face to white people? Does the BLM stand for Only Black Lives Matter? No it doesn't. And anyway the players aren't kneeling for that.

This is where the flaw lies, BLM was deliberately provocative in that sense. There is an issue with police accountability in the US but it’s hardly specific to block people, BLM’s slogan was provocative and went viral, in part, for that reason. Interestingly the response of “all lives matter” is seen as controversial when ostensibly it should be, partly because of the MAGA types and partly because they want the focus to be on black lives, even though the idea that this is specifically a black problem is just a flawed perception issue. They’ve achieved some useful things like body cameras in US police forces but they’ve also caused a lot of damage and are clearly divisive. Adopting a symbolic gesture associated with BLM then becomes divisive too whereas the previous anti-racism campaigns within football clearly weren’t.
[..] Does the BLM stand for Only Black Lives Matter? No it doesn't.

Of course it does. That's what the ideology is named for. That's what the ideology speaks for. That's what the ideology campaigns for. That's why the ideology embraces all anti-white racism up to and including racist genocide. It's entirely racist. Deliberately, explicitly and proudly so. Just as, for example, an ideology called Aryan Lives Matter and which campaigned solely on the basis that "race" is the only important thing and that only lives of the "right race" matter would be equally racist.

It's also why followers of BLM are passionately and explicitly opposed to the idea that all lives matter. Because they are opposed to the idea that all lives matter. Because they do believe that a person's life only matters if they consider the person to be "black". Just as their ideology says.

And anyway the players aren't kneeling for that. [..]

Except that they are, since they're showing their obesience to the ideology in the most explicit way possible. They are literally bending the knee to it.
So that will be a no then, he's not a Marxist..

I don't think I ever claimed he was. I think I was fairly clear that he started his protest as an opportunistic grift to prop up his faltering career.

And neither are the 99.9% of people who supported a stand against racism.

Your are now trying to play a sleight of hand where you think people will not notice that being against BLM and the kneeling trend means you can't also be against actual racism.

On the contrary we have seen how racist people aligned with the BLM movement can be particularly against Jews and whites.

So now kneeling is being compared to a fascist salute :cry: Get a grip.

Again on the contrary... the world would be a much better place if there was more general recognition that Marxists are degenerates to be lumped in with fascists when it comes to people who follow socially very undesirable ideologies.

So like I said kneeling, in this fashion, was started as a grift by a failing football player. It was then adopted by a Marxist organisation as a form of coercive protest against what was itself a pack of lies. Some people lied again by trying to retcon MLK kneeling in prayer with others at a protest in the 1960's as being the same thing.

And finally liars or fools then claimed that if you are against it you must be a racist.
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I don't think I ever claimed he was. I think I was fairly clear that he started his protest as an opportunistic grift to prop up his faltering career.

Your are now trying to play a sleight of hand where you think people will not notice that being against BLM and the kneeling trend means you can't also be against actual racism.

On the contrary we have seen how racist people aligned with the BLM movement can be particularly against Jews and whites.

Again on the contrary... the world would be a much better place if there was more general recognition that Marxists are degenerates to be lumped in with fascists when it comes to people who follow socially very undesirable ideologies.

So like I said kneeling, in this fashion, was started as a grift by a failing football player. It was then adopted by a Marxist organisation as a form of coercive protest against what was itself a pack of lies. Some people lied again by trying to retcon MLK kneeling in prayer with others at a protest in the 1960's as being the same thing.

And finally liars or fools then claimed that if you are against it you must be a racist.

You seem to know an awful lot about NFL to suggest his career faltering. Half way through a contract worth 19 million a year but yea sure "faltering".
You seem to know an awful lot about NFL to suggest his career faltering. Half way through a contract worth 19 million a year but yea sure "faltering".

It's shows you know nothing about NFL.

The 49ers told Kaepernick that they planned to release him.
On March 3, 2017, he opted out of his contract and became a free agent at the start of the 2017 league year on March 9.
Kaepernick completion rate was 26th. When he left it saved 49ers $14.5 million.
It's shows you know nothing about NFL.

The 49ers told Kaepernick that they planned to release him.
On March 3, 2017, he opted out of his contract and became a free agent at the start of the 2017 league year on March 9.
Kaepernick completion rate was 26th. When he left it saved 49ers $14.5 million.

Ahh yes heres another NFL expert. So we have one poster saying he knelt because his career was faltering and you back it up with something AFTER when he knelt? We all know the amount of stick he got for Trump and co so something before the event might add to that argument.

On March 3, 2017, he opted out of his contract and became a free agent at the start of the 2017 league year on March 9.

Ahh I see so the facts are HE opted out of his contract.

Thanks for clearing that up.
Big leap from expressing their dissatisfaction towards something and 'attempted to cancel'. Many people have said they're racist etc. for doing it and shouldn't be allowed. In fact, you're calling them idiots right now. Prime example of not respecting their choice to express dissatisfaction.

They were attempting to cancel the players protest by booing and kicking up a stink in the press. Idiot politicians even felt the need to jump in. And yes I am calling them idiots, the players are free to protest and they won't be dictated to by a tiny percentage of idiots that haven't bothered to read or listen to why the players are protesting. It is also a 2 second protest, that is it.

That's not true football has had the KickItOut campaign for years and nobody ever had problem with it, the problem is kneeling is inextricably linked to an overtly Marxist organisation that has over the last year incited riots and the tearing down of historic monuments and created more racial division/tensions during the short time it has been imported into the UK than I can ever remember.

Those who continue to promote/support BLM when they should by now know that it's anything but unifying but rather extremely divisive are the ones **** stirring. They can claim it's only about racism until they're blue in the face but not everyone is fooled when someone keeps holding up an apple and maintaining that it's an orange.

Well clearly the players thought Kick It Out wasn't a strong enough message when their mates still have to put up with constant racist crap on social media. Again who are you to tell them how they can protest and what their protest means. They are perfectly capable of speaking for themselves and have on several occasions. And a bunch of multimillionaire football players are clearly not Marxists.
Is he ever actually right about anything? He only ever seems to make a one line comment, usually calling people racists, bigots or gammons in the process but without any facts to back it up. Literally the dregs of forum posting.

Seriuosly mods, can we please ban the word gammon in the same way we ban "melted snow" not because i'm offended by it. But because it's intellectually lazy and a fall back for the left wingers. Maybe if it's banned then they'll have to up their game and actually engage.
Ahh yes heres another NFL expert. So we have one poster saying he knelt because his career was faltering and you back it up with something AFTER when he knelt? We all know the amount of stick he got for Trump and co so something before the event might add to that argument.

Ahh I see so the facts are HE opted out of his contract.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Again you don't get it.

If he would have stayed he would have been cut from each game, so he took the $2.5 and became a free agent
in the hope that someone would still want him.
No one did.
They were attempting to cancel the players protest by booing and kicking up a stink in the press. Idiot politicians even felt the need to jump in. And yes I am calling them idiots, the players are free to protest and they won't be dictated to by a tiny percentage of idiots that haven't bothered to read or listen to why the players are protesting. It is also a 2 second protest, that is it.

Well clearly the players thought Kick It Out wasn't a strong enough message when their mates still have to put up with constant racist crap on social media. Again who are you to tell them how they can protest and what their protest means. They are perfectly capable of speaking for themselves and have on several occasions. And a bunch of multimillionaire football players are clearly not Marxists.

You haven't answered the question there. You've just reiterated the same point that I questioned.
How are they/have they attempted to cancel the players protest by booing? And why are the players allowed their protest but the fans not allowed to express their dissatisfaction?
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