Wolfenstein: The New Order


Looking forward to this even more! Picked up RTCW for £1.10 the other day and been playing that a bit for some nostalgia.

I'm assuming the video is console footage (x button prompts)? Hoping it's being played on a low skill level too as it looks very easy.

That being said, looks great and looking forward to it! There's been a lack of quality single player fps's recently.
^^ You can see at start he selects a harder skill (2nd hardest) but no doubt its easier than PC version.

It probably is console footage but could be PC with controller.
Sadly, the game bears little resemblance to Return to Castle Wolfenstein. This has the hallmarks of a generic console shooter. (Think Resistance: Fall of Man meets Inglorious ********.)
I was rather hoping for the foreboding atmosphere of RTCW with some next-gen finery, but instead there's an emphasis on dual wielding and gung-ho tactics!
Sadly, the game bears little resemblance to Return to Castle Wolfenstein. This has the hallmarks of a generic console shooter. (Think Resistance: Fall of Man meets Inglorious ********.)
I was rather hoping for the foreboding atmosphere of RTCW with some next-gen finery, but instead there's an emphasis on dual wielding and gung-ho tactics!

Sort of like the original game? :)
Hovering over the cancel preorder button right now but it's the darn Doom 4 Beta part that's holding me back....grrr can't decide.
Looks nothing special, as has been said it looks like a game that should have been released quite a few years ago graphically. And yet another company hopping on the "pre-order to get on the beta" bandwagon, this time for Doom.
It looks like Dishonored with Nazi's and low res textures, hopefully it will be under £10 within a months release :p
Whilst graphics don't determine if a game is fun or not, that trailer doesn't make it look fun :/ Looks like your standard brain-dead shooter with crappy AI as per usual.
Still looks a crap load better than CoD single player :) As much as I want RTCW multiplayer in new clothes, I'll prob pick this up when the price drops. Old school run and gun ftw.
The frame rate in that twitch feed is excellent for a console, i'm sure the PC version will be better graphically.
As far as gameplay goes, It seems to play very old school, (just how I like it), hidden rooms, secret routes, loads of enemies etc, I was a big fan of the Riddick game they made and this has me excited, surely it's better than buying another battlefield/Dad's Army DLC pack V19?
I have got this on pre order. As some have said, the last MP was a pile of ****. I would rather have a top A rated SP game. I am really looking forward to this game. WW2 and Sci-fi mixed together... YES PLEASE! ;)
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